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Trudeau’s pipeline approvals complicate math of cutting Canada’s GHG emissions

OTTAWA—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the approval this week of two major oil pipeline expansions, insisting all the while that …

National Energy Board cites ‘apprehension of bias,’ drops Energy East reviewers

OTTAWA—The National Energy Board has sidelined all three Energy East reviewers following complaints that two of them met privately with …

Climate change, clean energy on agenda for Three Amigos summit

OTTAWA – Clean energy and climate policy will be a dominant theme when the leaders of Canada, the United States …

Buyer beware: cosmetics safety incidents not reported, no power to force recall

OTTAWA—Health Canada doesn’t regularly test cosmetics for harmful or prohibited substances and there’s no legal requirement to report adverse health …

Seed funds for B.C. chemist aimed at making advances against Zika viru

VICTORIA—A researcher at the University of Victoria has received funding aimed at developing technology to help identify the Zika virus. …

Supreme Court rules that Metis, non status Indians are federal responsibility

OTTAWA—Leaders of Canada’s 665,000 Metis and non-status Indians say they look forward to negotiating land claims and other benefits with …

Federal environment minister preaches patience, unity on climate policy

OTTAWA—For the second time in a week, the federal environment minister has suggested the Liberal government is prepared to tap …

Liberal sales job for their first federal budget won’t include paid ads: Morneau

OTTAWA—There’s no pricey government ad campaign in the works to promote the first federal Liberal budget, says Finance Minister Bill …

Liberals cast off fiscal anchors in federal budget pursuit of economic growth

The Liberal government will cast off into a sea of red ink with its first federal budget today, ushering in …

Premiers agree carbon pricing to be part of overall climate plan

VANCOUVER—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the provincial premiers managed to bridge deep divides over carbon pricing Thursday en route to …

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