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Grits 101: Canada’s Liberal Party

CANADA’S Liberal Party. The Grits, colloquially. Parti libéral du Canada, French-ily. Its poster-boy is Justin Trudeau: media darling; eldest son …

DANGER! Dirty recyclable bags can make you sick!

With today’s ever-increasing and timely trend towards eco-awareness, more and more people are exerting effort to do their part towards …

Top tips to ward-off spring allergy woes

SPRING IS in the air! Pollen is, too! A harsh fact of life for those of us allergy-sufferers. Spring is …

Facial hair, cursed crumbs, pesky insects, and melatonin: the origins of Spring Cleaning

SPRING: in your step. In the air. That broken one in the mattress. Sunshine. Flowers. Solstice. Sandals. Pollen. Dust. Cleaning. …

Of Idioms, Violins in Subways, and Wellness in a Hurried World

FROM CHILDHOOD we are inundated by idioms meant to inspire, motivate, caution, and–occasionally—rebuke. “The early bed gets the worm!” To …

Thoughts of Easter

MY THOUGHTS of Easter are associated with the most seemingly random of things: egg-hunting at the grounds of the White …

From Easter to Summer: Hot Spots!

EASTER: the herald of many things. Restored hope, forgiveness, and new life; for those of a Christian bent. Painted eggs …

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