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Opening week of Trump presidential reality: the drama is all Mexico, no Canada

WASHINGTON –The first week of Donald Trump’s presidency promised Canada two bridges, one oil pipeline and a set of locks. …

Keystone XL: Hundreds protest at White House, signalling upcoming pipeline fight

WASHINGTON –Hundreds of people gathered at the White House for an anti-pipeline protest Tuesday that hints at an aggressive upcoming …

Historic election shocker: Donald Trump wins, becomes 45th U.S. president

WASHINGTON—The market-shaking, adjective-defying prospect of a Donald Trump presidency became reality Wednesday, with a brash billionaire and reality TV star …

An infantry of new Latino voters marches against Trump’s presidential dreams

MIAMI—On the first day she was eligible to vote as a new American citizen, Nancy Osores left home before her …

How Canada’s Liberals annoyed Hillary Clinton team over fundraising

WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton’s entourage expressed annoyance that Canada’s Liberal party used an Ottawa event she appeared at as a fundraising opportunity, …

Trump refuses to say if he’ll accept election result, in fiery debate exchange

WASHINGTON—In an exchange that instantly swept the news headlines emerging from the final U.S. presidential campaign debate of 2016, Donald …

‘You’d be in jail’ if I’m president: Trump to Clinton in memorably nasty debate

WASHINGTON—A spectacularly nasty U.S. presidential debate began with the participants refusing to shake hands and culminated in an unprecedented threat …

October’s sleazy surprises: U.S. election enters personal muck in final month

WASHINGTON—The U.S. presidential candidates are trudging deeper into personal muck as they enter the campaign’s final month in a sludge …

In UN speech, PM will present his economic agenda as antidote to angry politics

NEW YORK—Justin Trudeau will use his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly this week to present his brand …

Canadian minister heads on tour to save trade deal with European Union

WASHINGTON—Canada’s trade minister is flying to meetings in different countries over the coming week in an attempt to save a …

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