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GOP decries Dems’ ‘mob rule,’ flipping the script

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans are forecasting nightmarish Democratic “mob rule” to amp up GOP voters for …

Senate vote on health care likely fodder for both parties

WASHINGTON – Days after ending a turbulent Supreme Court confirmation fight, the Senate turned back to health care – with …

Key senators undecided as Senate poised to vote on Kavanaugh

WASHINGTON — The Senate is poised to take a crucial vote Friday on whether to advance Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to …

Senate gets FBI Kavanaugh report, with initial vote Friday

WASHINGTON — The Senate braced for a crucial initial vote Friday on Brett Kavanaugh’s tottering Supreme Court nomination after Majority …

GOP, Kavanaugh accuser in standoff over her Senate testimony

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman on Friday rejected concessions sought by Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser if she is to …

GOP warns time running out for Kavanaugh’s accuser to talk

WASHINGTON — Republicans are warning that time is running out for Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser to tell Congress about her claim …

Ford wants her Kavanaugh claim investigated before hearing

WASHINGTON — Christine Blasey Ford wants the FBI to investigate her allegation that she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court …

Showdown between Kavanaugh, accuser scheduled for next week

WASHINGTON — Republicans are forging ahead with plans for a Senate hearing they had hoped to avoid on a woman’s …

Senators seek answers about migrant family separations

WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee is demanding answers from federal immigration officials about the Trump administration’s separation of migrant …

Hundreds arrested in DC protesting Trump immigration policy

WASHINGTON — Capitol Police arrested nearly 600 people Thursday after hundreds of loudly chanting women demonstrated inside a Senate office building …

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