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Trump resists national shutdown, leaving it up to states

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is resisting calls to issue a national stay-at-home order to stem the spread of the …

Sanders struggles to expand supporter base after Warren exit

WASHINGTON — It took Joe Biden’s moderate rivals just hours to unite behind his presidential campaign after they left the …

Former envoy defies Trump, testifies he pushed to oust her

WASHINGTON — Testifying in defiance of President Donald Trump’s ban, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch told House impeachment …

Aide: Perry pushed Trump for Ukraine call, for energy issues

WASHINGTON — Energy Secretary Rick Perry encouraged President Donald Trump to speak to Ukraine’s president — but on energy and …

Don’t vote? The Trump campaign would like a word with you

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — Ashley Arentz is a political unicorn. The 28-year-old Marine from Jacksonville, North Carolina, didn’t vote in 2016, …

State abortion bans may hand Democrats a political weapon

WASHINGTON — A flood of laws banning abortions in Republican-run states has handed Democrats a political weapon heading into next …

New Trump immigration plan would overhaul green card system

WASHINGTON — After years of setbacks and stalemates, President Donald Trump will lay out yet another immigration plan as he …

GOP senators question immigration plan presented by Kushner

WASHINGTON — An attempt by presidential senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner to win support for a White House immigration …

Dems prepare own border proposals, say Trump enflamed crisis

WASHINGTON — Under pressure to show they have solutions, Democrats are honing proposals to address the surge of families entering …

Compromise seeks to limit president’s emergency declarations

WASHINGTON — The White House and Republican senators sought compromise on limiting presidents’ powers to unilaterally declare national emergencies, as …

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