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Trillanes files plunder raps vs. Duterte

By , on May 5, 2016

Senator Antonio Trillanes III and Davao City Mayor and 2016 presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte (Photo taken from internet)
Vice-presidential candidate Senator Antonio Trillanes III and Davao City Mayor and Presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte (Photo taken from internet)

MANILA—Senator Antonio “Sonny” Trillanes IV on Thursday filed before the Office of the Ombudsman (Ombudsman) a complaint for plunder against Davao City Mayor Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte.

In his complaint, Trillanes cited the expenditures incurred by Davao City for the alleged former “ghost employees” of Duterte in 2014 which reached the number of 11,246.

Trillanes also noted the report of the Commission on Audit (COA), which said that the respondent mayor spent the amount of PHP708 million for the salaries of its contractual workers.

He added that the COA report also said that Davao City had no written policy or manual about the hiring of the said employees.

Aside from the plunder case, Trillanes also filed a complaint for alleged malversation of public funds and violation of Republic Act No. 3019, or the “Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act”.

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