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Sandiganbayan convicts LLDA chief of graft on PDAF scam

By , on March 28, 2016

Sandiganbayan Building along Commonwealth, Quezon City. (Photo courtesy of DGR Law Offices.)
Sandiganbayan Building along Commonwealth, Quezon City.
(Photo courtesy of DGR Law Offices.)

MANILA—The Sandiganbayan has convicted Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) General Manager Nereus O. Acosta of graft over the anomalous utilization of his Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) during his term as Bukidnon congressman.

In its ruling released on Monday, the Sandiganbayan convicted Acosta of one count of graft case, while his mother Socorro, a former mayor of Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, was convicted of two counts of graft.

The Sandiganbayan sentenced Acosta to six to 10 years of imprisonment and perpetual disqualification from holding public office.

The charges against Acosta arose from his alleged involvement in the PDAF scam amounting to PHP10.5 million when he was a congressman of Bukidnon in 2002.

One of these charges was allegedly committed in conspiracy with his mother.

Acosta was indicted in March 2009 in connection with the alleged fraudulent disbursements of his PDAF allocations as a congressman.

He was accused of involvement in the allegedly illegal transfer of a solar tunnel dryer worth PHP2.5 million from the municipality of Talakag to Manolo Fortich and its subsequent use and management by the Bukidnon Integrated Network of Home Industries, Inc. (INHII) when he was a congressman.

Acosta was also accused of allegedly releasing PHP2.5 million in public funds to the INHII and PHP5.5 million to the Bukidnon Vegetables Producers Cooperative (BVPC).

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