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Clean politics, an end to smear campaign – Binay’s birthday wishes

By , on November 10, 2014

Vice President Jejomar 'Jojo' Binay (Facebook photo)
Vice President Jejomar ‘Jojo’ Binay (Facebook photo)

MANILA, Philippines – On the occasion of his 72nd birthday, Vice President Jejomar Binay has two wishes: an end to the “smear campaign” against him and his family, and for “clean politics.”

“My birthday wish is that I hope that these people destroying our reputation would finally wake up and end their destructive politics. I wish that we elevate our political discourse and elections, and not resort to lies and mudslinging. Instead, we should present our dreams and goals, as well as aspirations for our nation. I wish for clean politics,” Binay said during a radio interview.

Binay, who served as Makati City mayor for three terms before being voted into the vice presidency, has been accused by former Makati City officials of corruption and amassing personal wealth from public coffers. Initial allegations include the gross overpricing of city projects and buildings, and the receipt of kickbacks from multi-million infrastructure projects

Charges have since grown to include alleged possession, through dummy-owners, of an 8,877-square-meter real estate property in Comembo village, Makati, and a 350-hectare agricultural farm in Rosario town, Batangas province.

The Vice President was a no-show last Thursday at the Senate Blue Ribbon committee hearing on the corruption allegations against him, for the reason that he has been “pre-judged” and any explanation to prove his innocence would be “useless.”

According to Binay, the senators spearheading Senate Blue Ribbon subcommittee probe are using the investigation as a platform to malign him, and crush his bid for the 2016 presidential elections.

The Vice President celebrates his birthday tomorrow, November 11.

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