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Palace declares Feb. 25 a regular working holiday; all classes suspended

By , on February 23, 2014


Malacañang Palace reiterated on Sunday that in commemoration of the 28th anniversary of the 1986 EDSA People Power revolution, there will be no classes on Tuesday, Feb. 35; but there will, however be work in offices.

Walang pasok sa lahat ng paaralan, lahat ng antas at ito ay isang regular working day (There will be no classes in all schools, for all levels; and it is a regular working day.),” Herminio Coloma Jr., Presidential Communications Operations Office head, said in an interview on dzRB;

Coloma added that this year’s commemoration will be different, as it will be held outside Metro Manila, with the traditional “Salubungan” (a re-enactment of the turning point of the People Power Movement, when ordinary citizens and members of the religious sector stopped military tanks along EDSA and convinced soldiers to join the anti-Marcos forces, giving them flowers and rosaries, as symbols of peace) in Cebu City.

He pointed out that Cebu was the buttress of the opposition during the Marcos administration, and also where Corazon Aquino – the opposition’s presidential bet – was staying when the military withdrew support for Marcos.

The EDSA-1 Revolution catapulted Corazon Aquino to the presidency, after Marcos was ousted from power and driven to exile in Hawaii, USA.

Meanwhile, Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda revealed that the celebration of the EDSA Revolution in Cebu is in line with the national government’s desire to forge solidarity with victims of calamities in Visayas. Lacierda said during a press briefing that the President “wants to be one with the people, especially those who were affected by the natural calamities.”

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