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Gov’t offices adopt skeleton force up to 50% operational capacity

By , on August 3, 2020

Only 50 percent of government agencies’ workforce will be allowed to physically report for work when the modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) takes effect on Tuesday (August 4). (PNA Photo)

MANILA – Only 50 percent of government agencies’ workforce will be allowed to physically report for work when the modified enhanced community quarantine (MECQ) takes effect on Tuesday (August 4).

Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 79, signed by Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea on August 3, directs all agencies and instrumentalities of the executive branch located in areas placed under MECQ to adopt a skeleton workforce up to a maximum of 50 percent operational capacity

“To ensure the continuous delivery of services in government agencies and instrumentalities; while observing the guidelines on community quarantine, there is a need to lay down the work arrangements that should be observed by government offices under MECQ,” the MC read.

On the other hand, agencies and instrumentalities providing health and emergency front-liner services, border control, and other critical services may operate at a higher operational capacity.

The MC also suggests alternative work arrangements for employees as long as they ensure that the delivery of respective services is not hampered or impaired.

“Towards this end, all heads of agencies, while maintaining compliance with operational capacity provided herein, shall adopt the most appropriate alternative work arrangements for their respective agencies, in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the [Civil Service Commission],” the MC read.

Offices of the legislative and judicial branches of government, independent commissions and bodies, and local government units (LGUs) located in areas placed under MECQ are strongly urged to adopt the provisions in the MC.

The CSC earlier issued Memorandum Circular NO. 10 (s. 2020), providing for the revised interim guidelines for alternative work arrangements and support mechanisms for workers in government during the period of state of national emergency due to Covid-19 pandemic.

On Sunday night, President Rodrigo Duterte reverted Manila, Laguna, Cavite, Rizal, and Bulacan to MECQ until August 18, recognizing the plea of overworked medical front-liners’.

The two-week MECQ is expected to give front-liners’ a much-needed “breather” from rising coronavirus disease cases (Covid-19) which have breached over 100,000.

Public and private sectors will also work on enhancing its test, trace, isolate, treat capacity and implement stricter quarantine protocols.

Under MECQ, movements will be limited to accessing essential goods and services while mass gatherings will be prohibited.

Only critical government services and authorized humanitarian activities will be permitted.

Public transportation, motorcycle back riding, domestic flights, and inter-island travel will also be banned while healthcare workers will be provided with free transportation.

Some industries such as legal and accounting; computer programming; and publishing and printing will only be partially allowed to operate at a maximum 50 on-site capacity.

Barbershops, salons, and other establishments offering personal care; gyms and sports facilities; and entertainment industries will also be prohibited.

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