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AFP calls on public to stop spreading PMA hazing videos

By , on October 24, 2019

FILE: Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Spokesperson, Marine Brig. Gen. Edgard Arevalo in Quezon City on Monday (May 6, 2019). (PNA photo by Joey O. Razon)

MANILA — The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Wednesday urged the public to stop spreading videos showing hazing among its cadets, as it maintained that the leadership of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) is doing all it can to stamp out maltreatment within its premises.

“We appeal to the public to stop spreading the video. No one benefits from it. Both the Academy and the Dormitorio family have been severely battered with the stories that came out in the news. And showing videos of the said kind will only add insult to injury. Let us allow the family and the PMA to heal and the Corps of Cadets to learn from its mistake and move on,” AFP spokesperson, Marine Brig. Gen. Edgard Arevalo said, in a statement to reporters Wednesday.

While the videos confirm that maltreatment incidents happen in the PMA as proven by the death of Cadet 4th Class Darwin Dormitorio last September 18, Arevalo said that such act of violence does not represent the academy.

“The videos confirm that maltreatment happens in PMA. That has been established especially in the case of Cadet Dormitorio. Much as we mourn his death, we maintain that these cases do not represent the entire PMA training. And maltreatment is neither sanctioned nor tolerated in PMA,” he said.

Arevalo added the PMA has demonstrated that it is serious in eradicating maltreatment from its ranks as proven by the series of cases filed against the individuals behind the death of Dormitorio and hospitalization of several others.

“The PMA has shown that she is serious and sincere with the drive to eradicate maltreatment. Through the help of PMA authorities, cases have been filed. The PMA Superintendent and the Commandant of Cadets have thereupon relinquished their respective positions with the Cadet Corps Commander following suit,” he said.

The new PMA leadership has taken over and enforced stringent measures and implemented drastic moves to rid the academy of maltreatment, Arevalo said.

“Let’s afford them time to make good with their actions,” he added.

The viral video showed two fourth class cadets who were hit in the head with a helmet, punched in the stomach and kicked by their upperclassmen.

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