After Chinese bombers landed on the islands and reefs in the disputed waters, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) reiterated its commitment by ‘closely monitoring’ the developments in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) and the South China Sea.
“The Department of Foreign Affairs, in close coordination with the other relevant department and agencies, is closely monitoring developments in the West Philippine Sea and the South China Sea,” the government agency said in a statement.
“We reiterate our commitment to protect every single inch of our territory and areas which we have sovereign rights over,” it added.
According to the agency, it is taking all the appropriate diplomatic actions necessary to protect the Philippines’ claims in the disputed waters; however, not everything has to be publicized.
“While appropriate language, whether expressions of condemnation or concern, over certain developments are clearly conveyed through diplomatic channels, it is not our policy to publicize every action taken by the Philippine Government whenever there are reported developments taking place in the West Philippine Sea and the South China Sea,” it said.
DFA also said that “the country has gained much under the Duterte Administration” and that it intends to achieve more in terms of promoting peace, cooperation, and stability in the WPS and South China Sea, stressing that it will always be guided by its duty to defend the country’s sovereignty.
The Chinese Air Force in a statement released on Friday, May 18, confirmed the presence of its bombers in the South China Sea.
“A division of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) recently organized multiple bombers such as the H-6K to conduct take-off and landing training on islands and reefs in the South China Sea in order to improve our ability to ‘reach all territory, conduct strikes at any time and strike in all directions,'” the statement read.
However, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on Saturday said that he is taking action regarding the maritime dispute, but stressed that insisting may lead to trouble.
“You know… if you insist on what you want with the Chinese, especially with new friends, there will be trouble,” Duterte said.
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