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Social media a weapon of mass destruction for public officials: Gatchalian

By , on January 4, 2018

FILE: In an interview with ANC’s Headstart, Gatchalian said he is saddened that the internet, which is set to come up with “good ideas and good opinions”, is also meant to destroy people. (Senate PRIB Photo)
FILE: In an interview with ANC’s Headstart, Gatchalian said he is saddened that the internet, which is set to come up with “good ideas and good opinions”, is also meant to destroy people. (Senate PRIB Photo)

MANILA, Philippines — Senator Sherwin Gatchalian on Thursday expressed grief that social media is now being used against public officials, after drawing flak following a Twitter outburst calling his online bashers or “trolls” as “ul*l” and “g*go”.

In an interview with ANC’s Headstart, Gatchalian said he is saddened that the internet, which is set to come up with “good ideas and good opinions,” is also meant to destroy people.

“This is really a sad part of social media and the free market of ideas and comments because this arena now became a weapon of mass destruction for public servants and against public officials,” Gatchalian said.

“This is the sad part because the internet is designed to come up with good ideas and good opinions but it’s also designed to ruin certain people,” he added.

Earlier, netizens hit Gatchalian for posting curses and foul words on Twitter on the New Year’s Eve when the latter, using his personal Twitter account, commented “The nation already lost its soul in the last 6 years” to an online article about the Liberal Party.

Netizens then branded the senator “balimbing (political turncoat)” and “trapo” or traditional politician, prompting Gatchalian to reply, “Gago ka (You’re stupid)!” to a netizen.

He also called an online detractor as “ul*l (deranged).”

Meanwhile, the lawmaker said there should be an instrument to watch after organizations that fund online trolls who are pushing for their political agenda, noting, however, that there should never be a law that would control free speech.

Gatchalian also stood firm that he will not apologize to “paid individuals” who are designed to “destroy” and “bring out the worst” in him.

“I don’t see the reason to delete it because again we’re talking to people who are organized and paid to attack you…We can engage one another in a healthy debate but when it’s a troll then I don’t see the reason of apologizing,” Gatchalian said.

“These are paid individuals, robots that are designed to destroy you and to bring out the worst in you. So why will I apologize to these people who are designed to bring out the worst in you,” he added.

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