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IATF allows minors, senior tourists in MGCQ areas

By , , on November 20, 2020

At present, any person below 15 years old, above 65, and those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other health risks, and pregnant women are not allowed to travel for leisure. (Pixabay photo)

MANILA – The age restrictions for tourists aged 15 years old below and above 65 may be lifted by the local government unit (LGU) in areas under modified general community quarantine (MGCQ), the Inter-Agency Task Force for Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) announced.

In a resolution dated November 19, the task force said the easing of age restrictions will be subject to the local government units and prior consultation with the Departments of Tourism (DOT), Health (DOH), and the Interior and Local government (DILG).

At present, any person below 15 years old, above 65, and those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other health risks, and pregnant women are not allowed to travel for leisure.

“The aforementioned age restrictions for travelers for tourism purposes may be relaxed upon the determination of local government units, and subject to prior consultation with the DOT, DOH, and DILG and the development of specific guidelines for this purpose,” the IATF Resolution No. 84 read.

The same resolution also indicated relaxed entry protocols for airline crew layovers during emergencies, which include typhoons, volcanic activities, diversions, and emergency landings, and other similar unforeseen and time-sensitive evacuations.

They will be allowed to temporarily billet in accommodation establishments under a “bubble” concept supervised by the LGUs.

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