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Public urged to respect closure of cemeteries

By , on October 31, 2020

FILE: A woman lights up candles for her departed loved ones at the North Cemetery in Manila City on Wednesday (Oct. 28, 2020). (PNA photo by Joey O. Razon)

MANILA – The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said on Saturday that it is joining the annual observation of the “Undas” holidays even as it appealed to the public to respect the temporary closure of all cemeteries and similar places to curb the spread of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

“The Armed Forces of the Philippines joins every Filipino in the peaceful and safe commemoration of Undas. Though we are not allowed to flock to the final resting places of our loved ones, nothing will prevent us from remembering and praying for them in our homes,” AFP chief-of-staff Gen. Gilbert Gapay said.

Last month, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) issued a resolution ordering the closure of all cemeteries, memorial parks, columbariums, and similar places from October 29 to November 4.

It also ordered that only 30-percent of visitor capacity would be allowed in these areas before and after the scheduled closure dates.

“We urge everyone to respect the temporary closure of these areas and follow social distancing rules until such time that the situation normalizes,” Gapay said.

He said they are taking the opportunity to honor “our fallen soldiers who offered their lives in the line of duty.”

“Let us also spare a moment to remember the innocent victims of conflict who died in the clutches of the enemies. Their sacrifices will not be in vain and we the living shall carry on with the defense of our country’s peace and security,” Gapay said.

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