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US Covid-19 cases surpass 6M: Johns Hopkins University

By , on September 1, 2020

The US’ Covid-19 case count rose to 6,002,615, with the national death toll reaching 183,203, as of 11:28 a.m. local time (1528 GMT), according to the CSSE. (Pixabay photo)

NEW YORK – The total number of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases in the United States surpassed 6 million on Monday, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.

The US’ Covid-19 case count rose to 6,002,615, with the national death toll reaching 183,203, as of 11:28 a.m. local time (1528 GMT), according to the CSSE.

The hardest-hit US state of California reported 706,731 cases. Texas and Florida both recorded more than 620,000 cases, followed by the state of New York with 434,100 cases.

Other states with over 190,000 cases include Georgia, Illinois, Arizona, and New Jersey, according to the CSSE.

A return to campus for the fall semester has recently caused great concern over potential outbreaks among students across the United States.

Over 30 states have reported thousands of coronavirus cases on newly reopened campuses, including the University of Alabama, where more than 1,300 students have tested positive.

US Covid-19 cases topped 5 million on August 9.

By far, the US remains the worst-hit nation, with the world’s most cases and deaths, accounting for more than one-fifth of the global caseload and death toll.

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