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“Not for me”: Heart Evangelista rejects politics when it comes to helping

By , on July 2, 2020

Her husband may be in the political arena, but Heart Evangelista said that she does not need to have a position in the government to help.

Heart, 35, clarified her intentions in a tweet as a response to one of her followers. Netizen with the Twitter handle @fudgeeBarNamanO tweeted a screenshot of Heart’s Instagram story in which she is helping in distributing wheelchairs to the elderly in Sorsogon.

The netizen in their caption, hoped that Heart would not enter politics.

This tweet got Heart’s attention to which she responded with “Politics is not for me. I can help without that kind of power.”

A lot of users lauded Heart, echoing the sentiment that one does not have to be hold a post to help. A certain @rockybasea0662 even commented that “Helping is from the HEART, not from any position.”

True to this, the actress, who is the wife of former senator and incumbent Sorsogon governor Francis “Chiz” Escudero, has been trying to come up with ways to extend help to several of the affected especially this pandemic.

[READ: For students who cannot avail gadgets for online classes, Heart Evangelista is giving away tablets]

She just launched the campaign Big Heart PH, which is now a more detailed and organized version of the giveaway she did earlier. She said that the said campaign aims to “provide students the proper tools they need so they do not stop learning and educating themselves despite the current pandemic situation of our country.”

Heart has also been using her social media influence to help out some of those who have reached out to her by paying for their hospital bills. Aside from helping Sorsoganons, she is also busy aiding frontline workers with the help of her endorsements, by donating vitamins, personal protective equipment (PPEs), and face shields.

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