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Aging healthier and fitter!

By on April 24, 2020

There are many health benefits to getting active – especially when we reach the age of over 40. (File photo: bruce mars/Unsplash)

We all grow older. That’s a fact. That’s a given. We cannot avoid the science of aging, but we can grow older productively.  Aging shouldn’t stop us from being our healthier and fitter version. Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.  Moreover, aging can be fun if we just lay back and enjoy the whole journey of getting older – the healthier and fitter way! With fitness, we are delaying the aging process.


Scientific studies show that it is never too late to get fit.  Our body responds to exercise no matter what its age. There are many health benefits to getting active – especially when we reach the age of over 40. About half of the physical decline associated with old age may be due to a lack of physical activity.  It has been suggested that people over the age of 65, more than any other age group require adequate fitness levels to help them maintain independence, recover from illness and reduce their high risk of disease.


Due to lack of exercise and physical activity, people over the age of 50 can experience the following health problems:

  • Increased body fat levels
  • Lesser muscle mass, strength and physical endurance
  • Lower bone strength
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Risks of having mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression
  • It negatively affects our balance and coordination
  • Lesser joint flexibility and mobility
  • Lower cardiovascular and respiratory function
  • Risks of various diseases including cardiovascular disease and stroke


How do we combat these health problems? By having regular exercise. With regular exercise, our older bodies will benefit from these:

  • Leaner, fitter, healthier you – having too much body fat can increase our chances to having various diseases such as diabetes, heart problems. When we do cardio exercises regularly, we lessen the risks of such diseases and we stay in shape and fit
  • Keeping bones healthy and strong – bone density declines after the age of 40, but this loss accelerates around the age of 50. As a result of this bone loss, older people are more prone to bone fractures. Regular exercise help reduce the risk of bone loss and osteoporosis.
  • Stronger and healthier heart and lungs – studies show that regular cardio fitness by going on a thread mill, bike, or can improve and make our hearts and lungs stronger and healthier
  • Lesser aching joints – we need regular exercise to ensure that our joints remain healthy and supple. Aerobic classes can benefit those who have arthritis
  • Increase in Muscle Mass – the amount and size of muscle fibres decreases with age. There is evidence to suggest that these changes are related to a sedentary lifestyle, rather than age. With regular exercise, muscle mass can increase in the older person for a relatively short period of time.


Here are a few tips for us to stay in shape:

  • Exercise with family or friends. Join a class of aerobics, Zumba classes and share these enjoyable group exercise classes with your loved ones!
  • Start off slowly and aim for small improvements. Nothing is built overnight. You are in this for the long haul. Keep track of your health and fitness goals with a diary. There are also apps available to have on your phone
  • See your doctor first if you are over 40 years, suffer from a chronic disease or have been sedentary for awhile before you start your exercise regime
  • It is best to go for a personal training session with a Personal Trainer who specializes in coaching
  • Choose exercise activity that you find interesting. You are more likely to keep being active and fit if you are enjoying what you are doing!


Remember, age is just a number. With age comes the power and strength to be our very best version and it starts with being physically active!


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