What is the real definition of LIFE? What does it really mean? Is it just a four-letter word that is complicated enough that neither you nor I will ever decipher its’ true meaning? This much we know: if life were predictable, it would cease to be a meaningless existence and one without a flavour. We often compare life to a rollercoaster ride – full of ups and downs. Life does not stop for anybody. It’s a constant motion – we have to keep moving. If you stop, you fail. Or you die.
We may never be able to decode life’s real definition, but we can learn about it in so many different ways. I have put on my learning cap and made a shortened list of practical tips and tidbits that I have learned from life itself and wish to share with others:
- YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE BUT IF YOU DO IT RIGHT, ONCE IS ENOUGH I learned this from Mae West. I read her biography and based on my own personal experiences in life – I hereby agree 100%. Why live a long and unhappy life? Do it right and things will be all right!
- HOW TO ESCAPE A SINKING CAR I read this from Popular Mechanics: The moment your car hits the water – or before, lower your window. Apparently, electric motors work even in saltwater. Always have the presence of mind. In this way, you can easily slither out of the window.
- ALWAYS SLEEP WITH YOUR DOORS CLOSED In the event of a fire, a closed door will help protect us from smoke and toxic fumes. It is also included on the list of how to have a good sleep. (https://bestlifeonline.com/how-to-sleep-better/)
- RISE ABOVE THE STORM – YOU WILL FIND THE SUNSHINE Not all storms come to disrupt our lives. They come because they want to clear the path for us.
- HOW TO TIP WITHOUT A CALCULATOR I used to be in the hospitality industry and for good service, you should leave at least 20% tip. If you don’t have a calculator or your phone suddenly died on you – don’t fret. It’s easy to tip without a calculator: for 20%, just move the decimal point one digit to the left and then double that number. For a bill of $55.50, if you move the decimal to the left, it will be $5.55; double that number and you have $11.10.
- HONEY, THE BIG LESSON IN LIFE IS NEVER BE SCARED OF ANYONE OR ANYTHING Don’t even be afraid of your creditors! There’s always a solution to every challenge. Bear in mind: you will never reach your goals if you are always afraid to take the next step in life.
- ALWAYS MAKE IT A POINT TO REMEMBER PEOPLES’ NAMES “I’m not good at remembering names” – seriously? That is so lame. That is so not hot. A person’s name is the single most important thing you can possibly remember when you meet someone new. It leaves a lasting impression. People always say what’s in a name? I say everything. Take for example, the Bard’s Romeo and Juliet. The lady is not allowed to associate with Romeo because he is a Montague. If he had any other name, everything would have been fine and no one would have died; they would have had a happily ever after ending. Just a little something to ponder upon.
- TAKING AN ASPIRIN DURING A HEART ATTACK IS A LIFESAVER For fastest relief, don’t swallow the aspirin; chew on it!
- AIR IS NOT OXYGEN That’s right, it is actually 78% nitrogen. That is why when diving and you have an over abundance of oxygen, it can actually make you feel high! Due to the Coronavirus quarantine boredom – Google has been my BFF!
- DON’T PUT OUT A GREASE FIRE WITH WATER It will only make it worse! Baking soda will help put out a grease fire or starve the fire by completely covering it and removing it from heat. The safest way of course is to have a Class B fire extinguisher at close bay.
- BE MINDFUL OF ESCALATOR ETIQUETTE My pet peeve? When people don’t have escalator etiquette. How difficult is it to stand right on the stairs if you are not in a rush or don’t want to move? If you prefer to walk the escalator, then be on the left side and walk. Life can be so much simpler if people know how to follow rules!
- YOU CANNOT TEACH ANYBODY ANYTHING, YOU CAN ONLY MAKE HIM OR HER THINK That is why everyone has a brain – it is meant to be used.
- YOU HAVE TO FINISH YOUR ANTIBIOTICS My doctor’s advice: you shouldn’t stop taking your antibiotics before you’re supposed to; any bacteria that didn’t get killed can develop an immunity to that antibiotic and become a super strain that is much more difficult to kill in the future. This comes in handy during this Coronavirus time.
- WHAT YOUR DOGS CAN’T EAT Don’t feed your dogs grapes or raisins – it can cause kidney failure. Dogs should never eat any part of avocado; it can cause difficulty in breathing. Onions and garlic can give a dog anemia. Sheesh, it’s not so great to be a dog, is it?
- ESSENTIAL ITEMS WE NEED DURING A CALAMITY always have a small suitcase or a duffel bag nearby, that contains the following: potable water; food; medication; first aid kit; tools and supplies; hygiene products; cleaning products; important documents such as passport, driver’s license, bank account numbers, insurance policies; emergency clothing such as rain gear, thermal underwear, boots; and yes, an exit plan.
- ENVY, NOT MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL I prefer to surround myself with women who are supportive of other women. Jealous women tend to bring down other women by vitriolic and judgmental words. What jealous women don’t realize is that they are the reflections of their words and thoughts. So be careful with your thoughts and words.
- LEARN THE ART OF SHUTTING UP AND LISTENING GENUINELY Suffice to say, if the world knew how to perfect this art of communication, there will be no misunderstandings and the world might just be a better place!
Of course if I were to write a list of all the things I have learned from life since the time I could walk or talk, the above list would be much, much longer! Perhaps for me, the most important thing I have learned from life is this: Failure doesn’t define us. It’s what we do after we fail that determines whether we are a leader or a waste of perfectly good air. What defines us is how well we rise after a fall. What is the most important thing you have learned from life?