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NGO donates essential supplies to Navy front-liners

By , on April 9, 2020

Support Your Navy Foundation donates essentials to COVID-19 frontline troopsThe Citizen's Support Your Navy…

Posted by Philippine Navy on Thursday, April 9, 2020


MANILA – A non-government organization donated on Wednesday assorted medical items and other necessities to Philippine Navy (PN) troops helping the government contain the coronavirus disease (Covid-19).

Navy public affairs office chief Lt. Commander Maria Christina Roxas, in a statement late Thursday, said the Citizen’s Support Your Navy Foundation, Inc. (CSYNF) donated 30 gallons of alcohol, 120 one-liter bottles of disinfecting cleaners, 600 latex gloves, safety goggles, 1,000 carbon batteries, 9,500 trash bags, and a thousand packs of ready-to-cook meals for the use of sailors, marines, and reservists serving at the front-lines.

CSYNF executive director Czarina Sacaguing-Balatao turned over the items to the PN, she added.

“Additional bottles of medical-grade disinfectants and gallons of alcohol were also donated for utilization of different PN offices and facilities,” Roxas added.

CSYNF is a private, non-stock organization that undertakes socio-economic upliftment programs and welfare projects for hero soldiers and their families.

It is currently chaired by former PN flag-officer-in-command, retired Vice Admiral Eduardo Maria Santos.

“These donations shall help guarantee the safety and welfare of our PN front-line troops as they aim to save lives while putting theirs on the line against this invisible enemy,” Roxas said.

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