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Living your life to the fullest

By on March 19, 2020

(Supplied photo)

Life is a big experiment. The more we experiment, the better we become at life. We should view our lives as a one big adventure because adventure is worthwhile itself.  Our lives are not meant to be lived perfectly. We need to thrive, we need to live our lives boldly, beautifully, uncertainly, no limits, living it to the fullest. Our lives must not be bound by boundaries, contained by no countries, and tamed by no time. We must exist without limits.




  • LIVE IN THE PRESENT We cannot change our pasts and we don’t know what the future holds. We must live each day in the present, be happier now.
  • QUIT COMPLAINING Complaining won’t really solve anything. It does not achieve anything. Instead of complaining about our challenges, we must work on them instead
  • BE TRUE TO YOURSELF Don’t be someone else’s version, be your own. Stop pleasing everyone. Accept and embrace your true self.
  • STAY POSITIVE Is the glass really half-empty or half-full? It’s neither. The glass is actually all-full – the bottom half is water and the top half is air. It all depends on how we perceive matters.  If we try to live on a positive note each day, we will live our lives much richer than others.
  • EMBRACE YOUR SUCCESSES AND FAILURES We must learn to celebrate not only our gains but also our losses. Do not be afraid of failure, it is not a measure of our self-worth. We must use failure as an inspiration to push forward. Nothing is permanent; everything is fleeting.
  • DON’T SETTLE Don’t be someone else’s second best. Don’t settle for a crappy job. Don’t settle for fake friends. Don’t settle for low standards. Instead, set higher standards for yourself.
  • DECLUTTER Stay organized. Don’t hoard. Throw away unwanted and unnecessary stuff in your life. A clean and uncluttered life is a happy and contented life.
  • INVEST ON GENUINE AND DEEPER CONNECTIONS Spend time to get to know the people around you. Choose your inner circle wisely. Get to know the people you choose to be in your circle. This will foster stronger and deeper connections.
  • LET GO OF RELATIONSHIPS THAT DO NOT SERVE YOU. Stay away from toxicity. It is okay to cut off relationships from family or friends that are bad for your wellbeing.
  • LET GO OF SHALLOWNESS Don’t get obsessed with achieving a certain status, fame, wealth or material possessions. Don’t obsessed over how many likes your Facebook or Instagram posts had. Instead, focus on self-development and learning new skills.
  • HAVE COMPASSION Kindness and empathy goes a long way; you will always feel better if you develop compassion and kindness to others.
  • LOVE YOURSELF Be good to yourself, be kind to yourself. Love and happiness starts from within.
  • DON’T BADMOUTH OTHERS If you have nothing good or positive to say about others, it is best to keep your mouth shut. Your perception on others reflects on you and shows that you have a small mind.
  • BE PASSIONATE AND DO THE THINGS YOU LOVE Life is too short and much too precious to waste it on a career that doesn’t bring you happiness or satisfaction. Start doing things that you actually enjoy and is passionate about. Spend your energy on things that will bring fulfillment.


Remember, we are our own authors of our lives. We create our own life story; we create our own destiny. It is totally our choice to make it a happy life or a sad life.

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