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Bulakenyos reminded to maintain cleanliness vs. dengue

By , on January 22, 2020

In the latest dengue surveillance update, there were 10,307 suspected dengue cases gathered from different disease reporting units in the province in 2019, which is 41 percent higher as compared to 7,312 cases in 2018. (Pixabay photo)

CITY OF MALOLOS, Bulacan—The provincial government, through the Provincial Health Office-Public Health, is reminding Bulakenyos to continuously maintain a clean environment to reduce the dengue cases in the province.

In the latest dengue surveillance update, there were 10,307 suspected dengue cases gathered from different disease reporting units in the province in 2019, which is 41 percent higher as compared to 7,312 cases in 2018.

In addition, 25 dengue-related deaths were recorded in 2019.

Governor Daniel Fernando said on Tuesday Bulakenyos should cooperate and help each other to combat the dreaded disease.

Fernando said he has been supporting environmental projects and programs for healthier Bulakenyos because he believes that healthy people are productive citizens.

“We will continue to clean our surroundings, for us, especially now that more diseases are spreading. The case of dengue is increasing, so let’s work together, let’s clean up to avoid mosquito carrying dengue,” Fernando said.

He also said that the observation of Zero Waste Month this January is a good strategy to start the year right and an important reminder to be vigilant about waste reduction and to value a clean environment.

As mandated by Presidential Proclamation no. 760 dated May 5, 2014, January is also known as “Zero Waste Month”, an advocacy that promotes the designing and managing of products and processes to avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials.

According to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Zero Waste Month is also pursuant to Republic Act 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

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