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Solon tells gov’t to get PCG to ensure Filipino fishermen’s safety in WPS

By , on June 11, 2018

Urging the Duterte administration to take a firm stand over the country’s territorial rights in the West Philippine Sea, Bayan Muna Representative Carlos Isagani Zarate said that Filipino fishermen who make a living in the disputed waters should get assistance from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in assuring their safety.

After reports of the Chinese Coast Guards harassing and taking the catch of the Filipino fishermen surfaced, the lawmaker called on the government to take strong actions instead of its “lackadaisical” approach on the issue.

“We have to show China that we are serious in defending our people as well as our territory. Our officials should always assert our independence, instead of them acting as apologists for China, who apparently now treat the Philippines as her vassal state,” Zarate said in a statement.

He added that “without nary a whimper,” it seemed that Malacañang is permitting China “to do what they want in Bajo de Masinloc and the rest of the West Philippine Sea.”

The congressman also said that going against China does not mean “declaring war.” What the Filipinos are asking is for “Malacañang to stand up for our fisherfolks and our territory,” he said.

“We have already suggested in the past the filing of a diplomatic protest and increasing patrols of our seas, among others. One thing is clear though, the government must do something now to stop this invasion of China,” he added.



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