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Group launches free prostate cancer consultation on June 16

By , on June 5, 2018

(Shutterstock photo)
(Shutterstock photo)

MANILA — As its annual Father’s Day activity, the Philippine Urological Association Inc. (PUA) on Tuesday called on men, 40 years old and above, to avail of free consultation on prostate cancer on June 16 in accredited hospitals in the country.

PUA president Dr. Wilfredo Tagle said the free consultation will be held in at least 80 accredited hospitals and institutions nationwide as part of their yearly effort in promoting “Men’s Health Awareness Month.”

Tagle encouraged the public to boost awareness on the importance of men’s health, especially in terms of early detection of prostrate cancer through the group’s “Tayo na MAN” program.

“Who should be talking about this? Everyone, tell your dad, brother, son and friends and encourage them to be proactive in discussing to their doctors about prostate cancer. The more people you talk about prostate cancer with, the more men you’ll be able to help,” Tagle added.

According to the Department of Health (DOH), cancer is the third leading cause of deaths in the Philippines and 19.3 percent of every 100,000 Filipino men are affected by prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is an illness that occurs in the prostate – a small walnut-shaped gland found only in men -that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. It is located under the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum of the pelvic cavity.

Prostate cancer occurs when the size of the prostate began to grow uncontrollably. But like any forms of cancer, early detection is key in successfully treating the disease.

Men over 65 years old have higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

Aside from free screening, PUA will also provide lectures about other conditions related to prostate cancer such as benign prostatic enlargement, andropause, and erectile dysfunction.

In Quezon City, some of the participating hospitals are Veterans Memorial Medical Center, East Avenue Medical Center, AFP Medical Center, and UERM.

For more information, on the other sites in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao for free consultation, the public may also visit PUA’s Facebook page, Tayo Na-Man.

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