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AFP mum on Chinese bombers’ presence in South China Sea

By , on May 22, 2018

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) assured that they are conducting appropriate measures regarding the presence of Chinese bomber aircraft in the South China Sea but said it cannot bare to the public all developments.

AFP Spokesperson Colonel Edgardo Arevalo said he cannot disclose the findings they have gathered after conducting patrols on water and air in the disputed region as this may risk the country’s security.

“There are matters of national security that we cannot reveal to you because they necessarily have to be kept in confidence, otherwise we might be violating operational security,” Arevalo said.

He added that it would be better to leave to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) or the Department of National Defense the job of updating the public on the situation of South China Sea.

He also said they are currently in the process of preparing a report of the results, which they will submit to the higher headquarters and authorities at the national level.

Moreover, Arevalo guaranteed the Filipino people that they are doing their “constitutional obligation to help secure and defend the territorial integrity of our nation” and that this “mandate will never be reneged.”


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