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Report: China ‘quietly’ installed missiles in Spratlys

By , on May 4, 2018

According to the U.S. intelligence source of the news outlet, the new jamming equipment was installed within the past 90 days on Fiery Cross Reef and Mischief Reef. (Photo Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative)
FILE: The report further read that the missile platforms were moved to the bases in the Spratly Islands within the past 30 days (Photo: Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative)

A United States (US)-based television network reported on May 2, Wednesday, that China “quietly” installed anti-ship cruise missiles and surface-to-air missile systems in the Philippine-claimed reefs Kagitingan, Zamora, and Panganiban.

Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) in an article did not identify its sources to grant their request for anonymity, only disclosing that these sources had “direct knowledge of US intelligence reports.”

The report further read that the missile platforms were moved to the bases in the Spratly Islands within the past 30 days.

A US official also told CNBC that they have consistently called on China and other claimants to refrain from further “land reclamation, construction of new facilities, and militarization of disputed features, and to commit to managing and resolving disputes peacefully with other claimants.”

“The further militarization of outposts will only serve to raise tensions and create greater distrust among claimants,” the official further said.

On Thursday during a press briefing, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying defended China without confirmation of the report.

“China’s peaceful construction in the Spratly archipelago, including the development of necessary national defense facilities, is aimed at protecting China’s sovereignty and security,” she said.

“Those who don’t intend to violate have no reason to worry,” she added.

Meanwhile, in a separate interview, US Ambassador to the Philippines Sung Kim told reporters also on Thursday, a day after CNBC released its report, “We are concerned anytime a claimant, including China, takes an aggressive unilateral action toward militarization.”

As early as December 2016, China’s Defense Ministry issued a statement on its website, defending its “right” to militarize its artificial islands.

“As for necessary military installations, they are mainly for defense and self-protection and are legitimate and lawful.”

It then added, “If someone makes a show of force at your front door, would you not ready your slingshot?”

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