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Prepare boys psychologically for circumcision : DOH

By , on April 12, 2018

For the Department of Health (DOH), summer is also the circumcision season, prompting the health officials to remind parents and guardians of boys to be circumcised to psychologically prepare their mind first. (PNA photo)
For the Department of Health (DOH), summer is also the circumcision season, prompting the health officials to remind parents and guardians of boys to be circumcised to psychologically prepare their mind first. (PNA photo)

MANILA – The summer is upon us and it is the perfect time to usher young boys into “manhood”.

For the Department of Health (DOH), summer is also the circumcision season, prompting the health officials to remind parents and guardians of boys to be circumcised to psychologically prepare their mind first.

Dr. Lyndon Lee Suy, DOH spokesperson, also warned parents on teasing their children about the pain that entails the procedure.

“So let us not scare them…instead tell them that it is just a process that they have to undergo,” Lee Suy said in a recent interview with reporters.

Lee Suy said that to avoid developing fear about circumcision, family members of the boy who plans to be circumcised should explain that the process is normal.

While DOH encourages young boys to undergo circumcision with well-trained doctor or health professionals, Lee Suy said they are not totally discouraging the “traditional way” or “pukpok” as long as tools to be used are clean and sterilized.

As far as the DOH is concerned, Lee Suy said they have not recorded incidents wherein there were infections developed on the male genital of the patient after undergoing circumcision the old fashioned way.

“We want them to be ready for this, regardless if it is with doctors or the traditional way,” said Lee Suy.

Circumcision is the process of removing the foreskin and exposing the end of the penis.

Traditional method is done in some remote areas in the country through a local village circumciser who perform the task of “pukpok” method.

It is believed that circumcised men will be at lower risk from acquiring sexually transmitted infections, as well as infection of the penis as the skin wherein some bacteria can accumulate are easily cleansed or removed.

2 comments on “Prepare boys psychologically for circumcision : DOH

  • How about just not circumcising? I’d pay a year’s salary rather than be circumcised or have my son circumcised. Why would I want the most sensitive and pleasurable parts cut off? That little bit of skin makes a big difference (it’s not just there to protect the glans).

    Around two thirds of the world’s men (including 88% of the world’s non-Muslim men) never get circumcised.

    Drops in male circumcision since 1950:
    USA: from 90% to around 60%
    Canada: from 48% to 32%
    UK: from 35% to about 5% (about 1-2% among non-Muslims)
    Australia: 85% to 11% (“routine” circumcision is now *banned* in public hospitals in all states except one)
    New Zealand: 95% to below 3% (mostly Samoans and Tongans)
    South America and Europe: never above 5%

  • 4skin4life says:

    This is abuse no matter who does it. “preparing” them is brainwashing them, coercing them.The boys know it is wrong but the parents and adults are in so deep that it is too hard to admit that what they have been doing all these years is wrong. They just keep it up and put on blinders. YOU are abusers plain and simple. Child abusers. Leave childrens sexual organs alone. Hands OFF.

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