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Public urged to report police abuses to PLEB

By , , on December 6, 2017

“Capacitated personnel of the Anti-Drug Abuse Councils shall assess the drug surrenderers to determine their risks and further morbidities,” Cuy said in his memorandum circular to LCEs. (Photo by Philippine Information Agency - Philippine Information Agency, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60493111)
FILE: DILG OIC Catalino Cuy (Photo by Philippine Information Agency – Philippine Information Agency, Public Domain)

MANILA — With the Philippine National Police (PNP) back in the government’s anti-drug operations, the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) is urging the public to report any abuse or wrongdoing committed by policemen to the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) in their localities.

DILG Officer-in-Charge Catalino S. Cuy said the PLEB is a check and balance mechanism organized at the city and municipal level, giving ordinary citizens the power to complain against law enforcers who abuse their authority.

“Early on, the President has emphasized that while he supports the police, he will not tolerate rogue policemen in the Philippine National Police. I, therefore, encourage the public not to hesitate in reporting any abuse or wrongdoing committed by cops to the PLEB,” Cuy said in a statement Wednesday.

“If anyone is hesitant to report abuses to police authorities, they can instead complain to the PLEB which is a civilian agency located in every local government unit (LGU) in the country,” he added.

Section 43 of Republic Act No. 6975, or the “DILG Act of 1990,” provides for the creation of PLEBs in every city or municipality to conduct hearing and adjudication of citizens’ complaints against uniformed members of the PNP.

Cuy said PLEBs all over the country are powerful agencies, which have the authority to discipline policemen.

Among these powers are investigating and adjudicating all administrative charges formally filed with, or referred to it, against any PNP member, and to impose corresponding penalties that range from withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary or fine, demotion in rank of not more than one rank, or dismissal from the service of the erring police.

The PLEBs are also empowered to administer oaths, summon witnesses, and require the production of documents, records, books, and the like under the subpoena duces tecum.

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