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Nepalese vote in 1st provincial polls amid democracy hopes

By , on November 26, 2017

Flag of Nepal (Photo By Drawn by User:Pumbaa80, User:Achim1999 - Constitution of The Kingdom of Nepal, Article 5, Schedule 1, Public Domain)
Flag of Nepal (Photo By Drawn by User:Pumbaa80, User:Achim1999 – Constitution of The Kingdom of Nepal, Article 5, Schedule 1, Public Domain)

CHAUTARA, Nepal — Nepalese in mountain villages and foothill towns voted Sunday in the Himalayan nation’s first provincial polls that promise to bring government closer to rural and remote areas.

Some 3.2 million voters were choosing lawmakers in seven newly-formed federal states as well as the national assembly and turnout is expected to be high.

The lawmakers who are elected on Sunday and Dec. 7 in the remaining part of the country will be able to name their states, draft provincial laws and choose local leaders.

“The central government is finally moving to our region. We will be closer to the government now with the state assemblies,” said schoolteacher Swasthani Thapa, who was among the voters lining outside the polling station at Chautara, 80 kilometres (50 miles) east of Kathmandu, even before it opened at 7 a.m.

Chautara was one of the areas hardest hit by the 2015 earthquake. People in the mountain regions complained they did not get enough help from the central government because their voices were not heard. Two years later, destroyed and damaged houses are still scattered around Chautara and surrounding areas.

“This is a historic day for us. The setting up of states will give final shape to the democracy process, which should finally bring stability and development for our country,” said businessman Surya Lal Shrestha.

Nepal’s slow path to democracy began in 2006, when protesters forced the king to give up his rule. Two years later, Nepal officially abolished the centuries-old monarchy and decided that a federal system would best deliver services to all corners of the nation, which remains one of the poorest in the world.

But bickering among political parties delayed until 2015 the implementation of the new constitution, which declared Nepal a republic.

Security has been stepped with thousands of police and army soldiers deployed for the elections. According to the Home Ministry, more than 400 people were detained in days leading up to the vote.

Soon after the constitution was implemented in 2015, protests by ethnic groups in southern Nepal turned violent and left some 50 people dead.

The ethnic Madhesi groups protested for months saying they did not get enough territory in the province assigned to them. They said they deserved more land because they represented a bigger population. Their protest blocked the border with India for months, cutting off fuel and other supplies in Nepal.

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