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‘With the help of Justin Trudeau’: Canadian PM gets a shout out in Trump speech

By , on March 1, 2017

Other elements of the speech that touch on Canadian interests included Trump's promise to build the Keystone XL pipeline; his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership; and his call for a still-vaguely-defined border adjustment tax. (Photo: Donald J. Trump/ Facebook)
Other elements of the speech that touch on Canadian interests included Trump’s promise to build the Keystone XL pipeline; his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership; and his call for a still-vaguely-defined border adjustment tax. (Photo: Donald J. Trump/ Facebook)

WASHINGTON—Canada’s prime minister received a shout-out from U.S. President Donald Trump in his first speech to a joint session of the American Congress, in an address Tuesday that carried more than one reference to the northern neighbour.

The president mentioned Justin Trudeau in highlighting the women’s business group created during the prime minister’s recent visit to Washington — a project involving the president’s daughter Ivanka.

Trump’s speech was sprinkled with surprises.

The biggest of all, which will certainly snare Americans’ attention, was his unexpected call for comprehensive immigration reform, a long-elusive goal of U.S. policy-makers that Trump appeared to have suddenly embraced.

Other surprises included different references to Canada.

“With the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, we have formed a council with our neighbours in Canada to help ensure that women entrepreneurs have access to the networks, markets and capital they need to start a business and live out their financial dreams,” Trump said in the prime-time address.

It’s the third time Trump mentioned the project in public remarks.

He appeared at the group’s initial meeting at the White House, raised it during a White House press conference as something he was proud of, and mentioned it again in his state-of-the-union-style speech Tuesday. The idea for the project came from Trudeau’s chief of staff Katie Telford, who raised it with Ivanka’s husband, White House aide Jared Kushner.

Other elements of the speech that touch on Canadian interests included his promise to build the Keystone XL pipeline; his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership; and his call for a still-vaguely-defined border adjustment tax.

He also saluted Canada’s immigration system during his attention-grabbing remarks on immigration reform.

In the speech, and in comments Trump made earlier in the day to TV network anchors, Trump appeared to signal an openness to a long-elusive goal: an immigration deal between Republicans who want a tighter southern border, and Democrats who want legal status for millions of undocumented residents.

“Nations around the world, like Canada, Australia and many others, have a merit-based immigration system,” Trump said.

“I believe that real and positive immigration reform is possible, as long as we focus on the following goals — to improve jobs and wages for Americans, to strengthen our nation’s security, and to restore respect for our laws.

“If we are guided by the well-being of American citizens then I believe Republicans and Democrats can work together to achieve an outcome that has eluded our country for decades.”

The speech made no mention of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump blasted daily during his election campaign and now wants renegotiated.

Earlier Tuesday, Republicans on Capitol Hill expressed uncertainty when asked when NAFTA negotiations might begin. Although lawmakers are supposed to be involved in the process, they said they hadn’t received direction from the White House yet.

The uncertainty is heightened by the fact that one key player in trade negotiations, the United States trade representative, could see his Senate confirmation stalled for months, amid partisan wrangling and concern about his past legal work for foreign governments.

It’s unclear whether Trump might instead lean on his newly confirmed Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. However, the commerce secretary does not have legal responsibility for trade negotiations.

And the key congressional committee that needs to be consulted is swamped with massive projects involving health and tax reform. One member of the committee said Tuesday that he was still in the dark on NAFTA details.

“I don’t have any information about when, or what process will be used,” said Republican Mike Crapo, a member of the Senate Finance committee.

People involved in Canada-U.S. relations might have picked up on other elements of the speech.

Trump applauded the idea of joint public-private funding for a massive infrastructure spending project — which is a priority for the Trudeau government, although it remains controversial on the American left.

Trump also referred to his plan for regulation-slashing, which Canada might play a role in. The countries meet frequently through a regulatory co-operation body, and Treasury Board President Scott Brison offered to share some ideas during a trip last week to Washington.

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