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Cops linked by Matobato to DDS to attend Senate hearing next week – PNP

By on September 24, 2016

MANILA – Philippine National Police (PNP) Public Information Office (PIO) Chief and Spokesman Senior Supt. Dionardo Carlos on Friday said the policemen mentioned by confessed hitman Edgar Matobato in the Senate hearing on extra judicial killings will attend the next executive hearing due to the demand of Senator Panfilo Lacson.

“Of course, the Senator (Lacson) sees it right to protect these policemen whose names were mentioned (by Matobato). It is alright if the statements were clearly stated and without loopholes, or if Matobato is not constantly shifting and changing his statements, but most of his words are just hearsays, not his personal knowledge except for the two names he keeps on mentioning that is always with him,” Carlos said in a press conference on Friday.

Out of 19 Davao City policemen mentioned, eight are in active service, eight are retired and one of them dead.

Carlos added that the PNP Directorate for Personnel Records Management (DPRM) has contacted these policemen and asked them to appear in the next Senate inquiry and attend the executive session.

According to Carlos, they have not yet placed these policemen under “floating” status unless the Internal Affair Service (IAS) say that they could be suspects.

He said these policemen were not yet removed from their posts because the IAS has yet to find a basis that will stand.

“As we speak, they are not yet (floating), we take steps, as of this time, whoever handles this (case) now, whoever will recommend to put them in PHAU ( Police Holding and Administrative Unit), because until now, dahil wala pang humahawak (nobody is handling it yet), they are just asked to appear (in the next inquiry).” he said.

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