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Military confirms receiving reports of ASG kidnapping 4 Malaysian nationals

By , on April 3, 2016

ABU SAYYAF GROUP (Screenshot from video courtesy of the Institute for the Study of Violent Groups)
Abu Sayyaf Group (Screenshot from the Institute for the Study of Violent Groups’ video)

MANILA – The Western Mindanao Command (WMC) on Saturday confirmed that it has received reports that four Malaysian nationals have been kidnapped again by Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) bandits in Eastern Sabah waters last Friday.

“We confirm receiving reports of this incident but our information remains sketchy,” Major Filemon Tan, WMC spokesperson, said in a message to the PNA.

Initial reports claimed that the four Malaysians were taken off passing ship.

Efforts are now being exerted to ascertain all details on the incident, he added.

“We have also coordinated with our Malaysian counterparts but details of which we are not at liberty to divulge,” Tan stressed.

“And in the meantime, WMC forces remain on alert and have taken appropriate actions/operations to address the situation,” he added.

Early this week, 10 Indonesian aboard a tugboat were snatched by the bandits while passing off Tawi-Tawi waters.

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