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DOH gives tips on proper skin care during summer

By , on March 28, 2016


MANILA—As the summer temperature continues to soar higher than average, many people may experience sunburn, although this skin problem can be prevented, according to the Department of Health (DOH).

“It (sunburn) can be prevented if you hold your outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon,” said DOH Secretary Janette L. Garin.

According to her, avoiding direct exposure to sun rays between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., wherein the heat index is at its strongest level, will help a lot.

She said that seeking shelter under trees and other shady areas or cool places, as well as using an umbrella, can also prevent the ill-effects of too much sun exposure.

She noted that drinking eight to 12 glasses of water can help in replacing the body liquids lost during exposure to summer heat, aside from addressing possible heat-stroke occurrence.

At the same time, she said it is important that people keep themselves hydrated by bringing water or ensuring that they can access water to drink within their location or in areas where they are going or staying around.

Elderly people, Dr. Garin said, should always be accompanied wherever they go so that there will be someone that can monitor their conditions and do immediately whatever is necessary in case they will suffer heat stroke.

The Health Chief added that using sunscreen or Sun Protector Factor (SPF) appropriately can also provide ample protection.

She explained that part of this factor should also involve choosing a product that retards against both UVA and UVB rays, with at least an SPF30.

She explained that said protecting products from UVA and UVB rays should be applied 30 minutes before actual sun exposure to the body parts that will be exposed such as ears, nape areas and feet.

If exposure will be extended, the same can be reapply to the same areas of the body, especially for those who will be going to swim in beaches and swimming pools.

For those going to the pool, she reminded it is important to take a bath first before plunging into the water.

She said it is important to ensure that body parts are clean enough so that they can also help at the same time in maintaining the cleanliness of the water in the pool for the protection of next users and to avoid the spread of skin diseases as well.

She added that urinating in the pool is a big “No” and should really not be done at all as others may accidentally swallow the water while diving and swimming.

On top of it all, she also reminded that it is important also for both parents and guardians to closely watch their kids during swimming activities because incidence of drowning is also something that should not be disregarded to prevent loss of people’s lives.

Meanwhile, she said that skin diseases can also be prevented if one will do daily bathing.

4 comments on “DOH gives tips on proper skin care during summer

  • Did Morales forgot her recent decision before she left the Supreme Court? Why did she reasserted the “doctrine of condonation” as to elective officials when she was still a member of the Supreme Court yet now, conveniently urged the Supreme Court to revisit the time honored doctrine (60 years)? For convenience?

    Are you saying that the Supreme Court was consistently wrong in a string of several cases for 60 years reiterating the said doctrine and you are the only one correct Sereno? Are you saying that Capio-Morales was also wrong considering that the decision penned by Carpio-Morales was decided by a “court en banc”?

    “As for San Pedro, his administrative liability was rendered moot and academic owing to his reelection in the same position in 2010,” she said, referring to a Supreme Court doctrine that condones the administrative liability of an elected public official for a past offense once that official is reelected for a fresh term.

    Kaya pala! (No wonder!)

    Proof that N0ytard is condoning corruption:


    Kaya pala inignore yung complaint ko against the FDA, DOH, etc. He is condoning the corrupt practices of government employees! Doesn’t N0ytard know that those government employees are extorting money from the public? If we do not give, they won’t give us a permit, just like what happened to me! And I reported it to ombitchwoman and she dismissed the case.

    Once more N0ytard blames the victims:



    Blaming the victims once more and I thought he was anti-corruption? Isn’t one incident, one too many?

    Even MARnanakaw admits that there’s massive corruption: philstar***com/police-metro/2015/11/27/1526400/mar-inamin-na-bigo-ang-daang-matuwid

    www***philstar***com/headlines/2015/12/10/1531041/noy-fight-vs-corruption-it-takes-two-tango Uh0oh! Fault of the victims again.

    “Abaya should be held liable as he signed the supposedly anomalous contract.” newsinfo***inquirer***net/745198/poe-disappointed-as-ombudsman-spares-abaya-in-graft-charges

    P3.8-B MRT deal awarded without public bidding done by pAbaya!!! N0ytard approved.



    Napoles insists Abad ‘tutored’ her on fund scam, says she gave to campaigns of Chiz, Alan, Villar interaksyoncom/article/87674/napoles-insists-abad-tutored-her-on-fund-scam-says-she-gave-to-campaigns-of-chiz-alan-villar

    Philippine Politics has been listed as second most profitable business in Asia, beating giant companies like Toyota Motors, Samsung, Keppel, and even its own San Miguel and Ayala Corporation according to a study published by Money Magazine in 2014. kahimyang***info/kauswagan/general-blogs/1743/study-says-philippine-politics-is-one-of-the-most-profitable-businesses-in-asia….

  • I am against corruption that’s why I am against corrupt ombytchwoman cunntcheater capro morales!

    Carpio-Morales is a corrupt ombudsman, neglecting her job in order to advance the interest of the Liberal Party of the Philippines. Erineo “Ayong,” Maliksi, a Liberal Party member’s graft and corruption case was dismissed by the court due to “inordinate delays” by Carpio-Morales even though the court found “reasonable ground to believe that an offense has been committed.”. “’Suffice it to state that based on obtaining facts, there is reasonable ground to believe that an offense has been committed. Be that as it may, however, it behooves the Court to state that the other ground of inordinate delay … is an overriding consideration…’ the court said in its resolution”. “The court also noted that the Ombudsman only released the joint resolution finding probable cause July 8, 2014, four years after the consolidation of the three cases. The resolution did not even include the third PCSO complaint, the court said. ” newsinfo**Inquirer**Net/673013/govt-seeks-reinstatement-of-case-vs-maliksi


    And another one: www***mb***com***ph/sandiganbayan-dismisses-graft-charges-vs-bohol-solon-governor/ “Since it took 15 years for Office of the Ombudsman to file charges, the Sandiganbayan First Division has dismissed due to inordinate delay the graft case against Bohol Rep. Rene Relampagos, Gov. Edgardo Chatto and their co-accused in connection with the undervalued sale of the province’s water and electric utilities.

    newsinfo***inquirer***net/758240/court-junks-p627-m-graft-case-vs-gov-after-long-delay “Court junks P627-M graft case vs gov after long delay”

    2. Why do you praise ombytchwoman Cunntcheater corruptbytch when she hasn’t won a single big case against the corrupt like GMA, in fact only not guilty verdicts are out?

    3. I filed a case against the FDA with overwhelming evidence and I lost!WTF!!!!

    Ang alam ko number 1 corrupt si ombytchwoman as she was entrusted with the power to counter corruption yet she condones corruption!

    The FDA is extremely corrupt. List of people at the FDA and DOH who are corrupt: Atty Romela Devera, Sec. Garin, Dr. Miriam Sales, Atty. Lutero III, Jesusa Cirunay, Dr. Peter Glenn Chua, Agnette Peralta, MArivic Paulino, Atty. Jasper Lascano and Atty. Emilio Polig and former employees: Sec. Ona, FDA chief Suzette Lazo, FDA chief Kenneth Hartigan-Go (and now undersecretary of Health)! are extremely corrupt!

    Wicked_Lia(r) said, ” mukhang kilala mo ang mga tao sa FDA aH!

    nakakatransaksyones mo ba?

    lahat naman ng ahensya may mga BULOK……..”

    Yan na! Inamin ng corrupt silang mga N0ytard at MARnanakaw!

    Why hasn’t Ombytchwoman Cunntcheater Capro MoralLess Corruptbytch held Purusama in contempt of court by violating the suspension order on him? Corrupt much?

    How come Ombytchwoman Cunntcheater Capro MoralLess Corruptbytch hasn’t filed charges against anyone in the North Rail project scandal? Corrupt much? wwwmbcomph/what-happened-to-northrail/

    For the information of the bloggers:

    Read Atty Salumbides et al vs. Ombudsman, G.R. no. 180917 promulgated by the Supreme Court on April 23, 2010.” This is one of the last decisions written by former Justice Carpio-Morales now, the Ombudsman herself. While the petitioners prayer for the extension of the “doctrine of condonation” was rejected because it can only be available to elective officials, Carpio-Morales asserted the doctrine of condonation and cited several cases to wit:

    “More than 60 years ago, the Court in Pascual v. Hon. Provincial Board of Nueva Ecija17c?a issued the landmark ruling that prohibits the disciplining of an elective official for a wrongful act committed during his immediately preceding term of office. The Court explained that “[t]he underlying theory is that each term is separate from other terms, and that the reelection to office operates as a condonation of the officer’s previous misconduct to the extent of cutting off the right to remove him therefor.”18c?a

    The Court should never remove a public officer for acts done prior to his present term of office. To do otherwise would be to deprive the people of their right to elect their officers. When the people elect[e]d a man to office, it must be assumed that they did this with knowledge of his life and character, and that they disregarded or forgave his faults or misconduct, if he had been guilty of any. It is not for the court, by reason of such faults or misconduct[,] to practically overrule the will of the people.19c?a

    Lizares v. Hechanova, et al.20c?a replicated the doctrine. The Court dismissed the petition in that case for being moot, the therein petitioner “having been duly reelected, is no longer amenable to administrative sanctions.”21c?a

    Ingco v. Sanchez, et al.22c?a clarified that the condonation doctrine does not apply to a criminal case.23c?a Luciano v. The Provincial Governor, et al.,24c?a Olivarez v. Judge Villaluz,25c?a and Aguinaldo v. Santos26echoed the qualified rule that reelection of a public official does not bar prosecution for crimes committed by him prior thereto.

    Consistently, the Court has reiterated the doctrine in a string of recent jurisprudence including two cases involving a Senator and a Member of the House of Representatives.27c?a

    Salalima v. Guingona, Jr.28c?a and Mayor Garcia v. Hon. Mojica29reinforced the doctrine. The condonation rule was applied even if the administrative complaint was not filed before the reelection of the public official, and even if the alleged misconduct occurred four days before the elections, respectively. Salalima did not distinguish as to the date of filing of the administrative complaint, as long as the alleged misconduct was committed during the prior term, the precise timing or period of which Garcia did not further distinguish, as long as the wrongdoing that gave rise to the public

    official’s culpability was committed prior to the date of reelection.” (end of quote)…

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