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Owner of Winnipeg medical marijuana shop speaks out on his arrest

By on August 7, 2015

(Photo from Flickr/Katheirne Hitt)
(Photo from Flickr/Katheirne Hitt)

WINNIPEG – The owner of a controversial medical marijuana shop that was raided earlier this week says he hopes his arrest will shed some light on the struggle patients have obtaining the product.

Glen Price, 54, the owner of Your Medical Cannabis Headquarters, has been charged with a number of drug-related offences including possession and trafficking.

He was later released from custody and on Thursday issued a statement criticizing discrepancies in how medical marijuana is handled across Canada.

He says one city can have more than 100 dispensaries operating while other cities can’t even have one.

Winnipeg police have said it’s illegal to sell medical marijuana unless you are a licensed producer and have the proper documentation, saying otherwise it’s just selling street drugs.

Price had been warned his business would be closed because he was not properly licensed, but his supporters held a rally last month and he reopened the store in defiance of the police order.

He has said he only provides the product to people with appropriate medical documentation and said he’s helped hundreds of people since opening on July 1.

Earlier this year, Health Canada moved to make it legal for licensed providers to sell marijuana in everything from brownies to lip balm.

Vancouver became the first Canadian municipality to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries, requiring operators to pay a $30,000 licensing fee and locate at least 300 metres away from community centres, schools, and each other.

“Too bad Winnipeg wants to stay in the stone age while Vancouver progresses and flourishes,” Price said in his statement.

“What I think the goal should be is equality throughout Canada.”

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