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Suicide car bomb hits main Somali hotel, kills 4

By on July 26, 2015


MOGADISHU, Somalia — A Somali police officer says a suicide car bomber has rammed his car into the protective perimeter outside a well-known hotel in the Somali capital Sunday, killing at least four people.

Capt. Mohamed Hussein says the blast has caused an extensive damage on the Jazeera Hotel, which is often frequented by government officials, diplomats and foreigners.

He said his saw four bloodied dead bodies near the wall of the hotel.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blast which shattered a period of calm in Mogadishu after a number of deadly attacks by the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Shabab group.

The attack came as President Barack Obama was leaving neighboring Kenya for Ethiopia. The president’s visit includes discussions about how to deal with the threat of al-Shabab.

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