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De Lima admits consulting PNoy on 2016 polls

By , on June 1, 2015

Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima (Chari Villegas / Senate Pool)
Department of Justice Secretary Leila de Lima (Chari Villegas / Senate Pool)

MANILA — Department of Justice (DOJ) Secretary Leila M. De Lima on Monday admitted that she has been consulting her family, close friends and even President Benigno S. Aquino III in connection with her possible running in the 2016 elections.

De Lima is one of the Cabinet members who is allegedly being convinced to join the senatorial slate of the Liberal Party (LP).

Although De Lima refused to confirm whether she will indeed run and on what position, however, she admitted that because of the many questions she has been receiving about the 2016 elections, she also has been making consultations about it.

De Lima said that she is still busy with the cases being handled by the DOJ, but she gave assurances that she would make the announcement at the proper time.

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