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Traffic cops advised: Don’t be intimidated by ‘selfies’

By , on October 6, 2014

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Shutterstock photo

MANILA, Philippines–The Philippine National Police (PNP) on Sunday reminded traffic enforcers not to be intimidated by motorists in violation of the law, should these errant drivers flaunt photos of themselves with high-ranking police officials.

Matter of fact, the policemen should arrest people who try to wiggle their way out of a traffic citation by using such methods, PNP spokesman Senior Supt. Wilben Mayor said.

The reminder was issued after a recent incident in which a sexy model name-dropped and flashed the calling card of a top police official to avoid being issued a ticket for a traffic violation she had committed.

Mayor said that aside from name-dropping and flashing calling cards of head honchos, some people may even show a “selfie” photo with the official as a method of muscling cops who apprehend them for traffic crimes.

“It’s possible but this is not something that should be blamed on police officials,” Mayor said.

The PNP spokesman pointed out that there are instances in which owners of  business establishments put up pictures of themselves posing with top officials in order to ward-off any potential police action or inspection..

Some days ago, model Alyzza Agustin boasted on Facebook about having used a calling card of Chief Supt. Alexander Ignacio, head of PNP office for plans, to escape being slapped with a traffic violation.

On the card, a picture of which Agustin posted on Facebook, it is indicated that Agustin is Ignacios’s executive assistant. The calling card also indicates Ignacio’s position as “police director,” when in reality, he holds the rank of chief superintendent.

Not only did the Facebook post earn Agustin the instant ire of netizens, it also drew sharp criticism from Ignacio; who denied having given the model the card. He added that he did not even know the model, in the first place.

The Facebook post and photo of the calling card have since been taken down by Agustin, who has also apologized for the incident. She has since admitted that she does not know Ignacio personally.

From the Facebook page of Alyzza Agustin
From the Facebook page of Alyzza Agustin

The police chief superintendent, however, does not intend to back down so easily. Upon his arrival on Friday from a Southeast Asian regional meeting, he said that he plans to file charges against the model.

“I do give my business card to those who request it. But it goes with the implied condition that it will not be used to violate laws … and for illegal gain. I will not tolerate the use of my business card, the facilities of my office or the privileges of my rank for unlawful purposes,” he said.

To avoid similar satiations, Mayor urged traffic enforcers to simply “do their job.”

“In case of doubt, law enforcers who will be confronted with a situation involving a name-dropping traffic violator should simply do their job of enforcing the law.” Mayor stressed.

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