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SC orders PMA to comment on Cudia petition

By , on May 10, 2014

Cadet Aldrin Jeff Cudia will not graduate from the Philippine Military Academy for allegedly violating the PMA Honor Code. Photo from Facebook.
Cadet Aldrin Jeff Cudia did not get his diploma from the Philippine Military Academy for allegedly violating the academy’s Honor Code. Photo from Facebook.


MANILA (PNA) — The Supreme Court (SC) has ordered the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) to comment on the petition filed by Cadet Aldrin Cudia who failed to graduate from the academy last March for alleged violation of the Honor Code.

In a two-page notice of resolution issued on Friday, the SC gave the respondents in the case filed by Cudia a period of 10 days from receipt within which to submit their respective comments.

The respondents are the Superintendent of the PMA, the PMA Honor Committee and the Cadet Review and Appeals Board (CRAB).

Meanwhile, the SC granted the motion for leave to intervene filed by Filipina Cudia, the mother of Aldrin Cudia.

In the petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus filed by Cudia, he asked the SC to issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) or a status quo ante order (SQAO) against the dismissal order imposed against him by the PMA Honor Committee for alleged violation of the Honor Code.

Cudia also urged the SC to order the grant of appropriate recognition and include him in the list of the graduating class of Siklab Diwa PMA Class of 2014 when all the material requirements for his graduation shall have been completed.

He further asked the SC to order his commission as a new ensign of the Philippine Navy as well as the stoppage of ostracizing him by the cadets of the PMA and the submission by the PMA Cadet Review and Appeals Board of all the records of the proceedings undertaken in his case. (PNA)

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