Admit it: we’ve never really shown our matriarchs the love and appreciation that we ought to give them.
It’s sad, but it’s the truth.
With the fast-paced lifestyle of today, we’ve somehow forgotten to give enough attention and gratitude to the one who endured and carried us for nine months—the one who raised us to become who we are today.
I believe it’s truly fitting that there’s a special day for moms all around the world to be celebrated. In an ideal world, it should be celebrated every day. But every second Sunday of May, we’re given the license to be oh-so-cheesy when it comes to honoring our mommy dearest.
‘Mothering Sunday’
Mother’s Day is also known as “Mothering Sunday.” Although we have to admit, it sounds somewhat ominous rather than festive.
Its roots date back to ancient civilizations of the Greeks and the Romans. In fact, the earliest record of a mother’s day celebration was during the annual spring festival to honor the goddesses of motherhood or maternity.
In the modern times, we have Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis to thank for this annual celebration of matriarchy. They paved the way for this special day to be established and honored not just in the United States, but around the world as well.
Today, over 46 countries celebrate mother’s day in various traditions and different dates throughout the year.
Keep mommy busy (in a good way)
In a poll published on, it shows that “for Mother’s Day, 73% of moms expect to either be going out to eat or doing what they normally do on any other day.” That would be great, but it’s mother’s day—you have to at least try to pull out all the stops for the greatest woman in your life.
The MYTime article also said that “the top four Mother’s Day activities that moms prefer are taking an out-of-town trip (23%), getting some pampering at a spa (20%), taking it easy while others do household chores (16%), or visiting a salon (13%).” Now we’re talkin’.
Start off the day with the infallible breakfast in bed (just make sure you knock first). Keep it simple and keep it clean: scrambled eggs, warm croissants, a pat or two of butter, juice or coffee, some crispy bacon or ham and you’re good to go. Don’t forget to add a few thoughtful touches: a loving note, a single rose, a printed photo of the family.
Playing on the premise of pampering your mom, why not give her a stress-free Sunday—no kids or grandkids to take care of, no household chores, no business/work emails or calls, nothing but relaxation.
Get her a gift certificate at a reputable spa—and if you can afford it—with lavish treatments to take her stresses away. A full-body massage with essential oils? A luxurious foot spa? A mud bath? An oxygen facial? If it’ll take your mom’s cares away even for just a day, why not give it a shot?
You can also consult beauty experts online by doing some research or by visiting a salon. Armed with enough beauty knowledge, why not treat your mom to a makeover? Or maybe even just a new haircut, a mani-pedi session, a hot oil treatment—you know, the works.
And you know what’s an even better way to end a day of pampering? Organize a romantic dinner for two for your mom and your dad. Or—if you think she’ll prefer it—get her a hotel suite that she can enjoy away from the worries of home.
You might also consider setting up a reading or relaxing nook in your backyard with a nice comfy seat and a few good magazines or books, perhaps a glass or two or mimosa (or your mom’s favorite drink), and just let her soak up the afternoon sun as she enjoys a good read—a fuss-free quiet time for herself without having to leave the premises.
If this is all just too much to absorb, I’m sure your mom would be pretty happy just relaxing at home with you as her personal butler for the day. Not having to lift a finger to keep the house clean and the family fed is probably enough to make your mother happy on her special day.
Gifts for the Giver
Personally, I believe it’s safe to say that mothers are the most selfless human beings in the planet. It’s just my personal opinion. I think there’s no greater gift than the gift of life. And choosing to subject one’s body to agonizing torture of birthing a child to this world after nine months of gestation is just beyond me.
I may never understand why billions of women do it, or why my mom did it in the first place. All I know is that I’m eternally grateful and I sure hope she thinks it’s all worth it.
So, what do you give someone as a thank you for giving and sustaining your life? It’s a pretty tall order, but it’s not an impossible feat.
According to, “even though 52% of men will give the moms in their lives flowers or cards for Mother’s Day, only 16% of moms actually want those gifts.” Ouch. Not a very encouraging statistic, but hold on—have faith.
The article also said that “the top three gifts that moms prefer are something creative that involves family photos (23%), a gift certificate for a massage or facial (21%), or a gift certificate for a salon visit (17%).” Now you know what to do. Well, sort of.
In 2013, “the most popular amount of money to spend on Mother’s Day is $21 to $50 (25%), followed by $51 to $100 (24%) and $11 to $20 (19%). Only 7% of guys say they will spend less than $10.” (Source:
I am a firm believer of “it’s the thought that counts.” But if it makes my mom happy—even for just a day—perhaps being more willing to shell out some cash would be a good start. Mother’s day just happens once a year anyway.
Planning ahead would also be a good idea. In fact, this might make a difference this year, since “42% of men will make plans either a few days before Mother’s Day or will wait until the day itself.”
This is neither comforting nor upsetting since “6% of men admit that in the past they have forgotten Mother’s Day altogether.”
But this is what this article is for—to give ideas one week before that fated day.
Without having to leave the comforts of your apartment, you can shop for your mom. Almost all stores have online shops nowadays, so all you really have t do is click on your purchase.
For the geeky moms who enjoy fandom swag and what-nots, check out Think Geek.
For your very own Martha Stewart, go ahead and get her that MS merch at the real Martha Stewart’s online shop.
For the ageless beauty that is your mother (or wife), get the best cosmetics and apparel based on The Independent’s ‘Top 50 Best Online Clothing Shops.’
You might also want to consider buying mommy a new gadget. According to a study conducted by Nielsen—the world’s leading media research firm— about the ‘Digital Lives of American Moms,’ 61% of moms are more like to visit Pinterest compared to the average American. Around 27.9M Facebook users are mothers and 50% of moms actively participate in social media using their mobile devices.
For more ideas about what to get your mom, check out Lucky Magazine’s ‘Best Shopping Sites For Busy Moms’ and’s ‘Top 50 Shopping Sites for Moms.’ And of course, do not forget to browse through Pinterest for mommy day ideas—it’s a gold mine. Just make sure you put aside enough time for it because time passes by quickly when you’re browsing through the #DIY tags.