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PM announces J. Michel Doyon as Lieutenant Governor of Quebec



PM Announces J. Michel Doyon as Lieutenant Governor of Quebec. (Photo: PM.GC.CA)

PM Announces J. Michel Doyon as Lieutenant Governor of Quebec. (Photo: PM.GC.CA)

Gatineau, Quebec — Prime Minister Stephen Harper today announced the appointment of J. Michel Doyon as Lieutenant Governor of Quebec.

Dr. Doyon is an accomplished lawyer, historian, professor and author. He has considerable experience in business law and commercial arbitration and has practiced at Gagné, Letarte for over 30 years. He served as President of the Barreau du Québec where, as the chief executive officer, he oversaw the governing body of the province’s lawyers.

Dr. Doyon has a Doctorate in History and, before practicing law, he taught at the Cégep de Sainte-Foy and has been a lecturer at Laurentian University, Laval University and the Bar School of the Barreau du Québec. He was also the creator and a member of the production committee for, Le Droit de savoir television series.

He has received numerous distinctions throughout his career, including Queen’s Counsel and Advocatus Emeritus of the Barreau du Québec. He also served as an Honorary Colonel of 3 Wing Bagotville and is a Governor of 3 Wing Bagotville.

This appointment is the culmination of a process undertaken by the non-partisan Advisory Committee on Vice-Regal Appointments, which was first announced by the Prime Minister in November 2012.

Lieutenant Governors are appointed by His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. They serve terms of no fewer than five years, during which they act as the province’s vice-regal representative.

Prime Minister Harper also took the opportunity to thank the Honourable Pierre Duchesne for his outstanding service as Lieutenant Governor of Quebec since June 7, 2007.

Quick Fact
Lieutenant Governors are the personal representatives of Her Majesty The Queen of Canada in their respective provinces. Lieutenant Governors fulfill the roles and functions of The Queen, including granting Royal Assent to laws and visiting communities, in their provinces.

J. Michel Doyon is a distinguished lawyer, historian, professor and author who is also known for his significant contributions to his community. He brings a wealth of experience to the role and I have no doubt he will serve with distinction as the Lieutenant Governor of Quebec.
– Prime Minister Stephen Harper

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