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Newest powerhouse primetime drama ‘Mano Po Legacy: The Flower Sisters’ begins this October 31



Angel Guardian, Beauty Gonzalez, Aiko Melendez and Thea Tolentino


This October 31, a new and intensely exciting story unravels in the third installment of GMA Network and Regal Entertainment’s hit primetime series ‘Mano Po Legacy’ with the launch of ‘The Flower Sisters.’

This latest dramatic soap follows the contentious story of the four Chua sisters as they wrestle with wealth, power, and opportunities that lie ahead of them. Each of the sisters grapples with their own dilemmas and difficulties involving their personal lives.

‘Mano Po Legacy: The Flower Sisters’ boasts of an all-star and powerhouse cast, top-billed by four of the country’s sought-after and in-demand actresses: Aiko Melendez as Lily, Thea Tolentino as Dahlia, Angel Guardian as Iris, and Beauty Gonzalez as Violet.

Aiko is grateful for the opportunity given to her by GMA and Regal, “Itong pagbabalik ko po sa show business ay blessing po, dahil bukod sa makakatrabaho ko si Beauty na dati’y magkatapat ang aming show, nagkaroon ako ng katapat bilang kaibigan. Worth it ang lahat after seing the trailer of Mano Po 3. I don’t have any regrets na tinanggap ko itong project.” She added, “Hindi lang namin ito show ni Beauty or ng Flower Sisters, ito po ay show naming lahat. Makikita niyo po rito sa Mano Po 3 na lahat po kami ay magsha-shine at dahil ‘yon sa ating directors.”

Beauty also expressed her excitement on doing the show, “Everytime na pumupunta ako sa work, I’m so excited kasi masaya talaga ‘yung set namin. We get to collaborate with our directors and with our co-actors also. You know, I’m very privileged to be part of Mano Po kasi this is a legacy and I thank Sir Joey and Ms. Roselle for choosing me. I’ll make sure that it’s worth it.”

Meanwhile, Thea is up for the challenge as she takes on a new role portraying a kind sister, “Nagulat po ako sa trailer kasi doon ko po nakita na ang bait ko rito, ‘di ako sanay. Nahirapan po ako sa light scenes kasi mas at home po ako ‘pag nagsusungit ako. Noong umpisa po, medyo kinakapa ko pa but with the help of the directors po at tuwing sinasabi nila sa akin na ‘Thea mukha kang mataray dito, let’s tame it down.’ Nagpapasalamat po talaga ako na gina-guide nila ako until naging komportable na ako sa character ko.”

Angel is equally proud to be part of this big project, “Una sa lahat, I feel so blessed and grateful dahil ito po ‘yung first serye ko and I’m one of the main cast members na po so sobrang swerte ko na nakatrabaho ko po sina Ms. Beauty, Ms. Aiko, at Thea. Alam naman po natin na napakagaling po nilang mga aktres. Excited akong mas matuto pa kasi kahit na kabado ako sa binigay sa aking role, pinagkatiwalaan nila akong gawin ito. Kaya excited ako kasi I know na there’s room to grow.”

Joining them are some of the country’s sought-after and respected actors composed of Paul Salas as Young Leopoldo, the patriarch of the Chua family who established his business empire from humble beginnings, Mikee Quintos as Carmen Chua, Leopoldo’s first wife who helped him achieve success and prominence in society, Rafael Rosell as Julian, Violet’s abusive husband who’s driven by his father’s political ambition and greed, Marcus Madrigal as Redmond the submissive husband of Lily who tries to pacify his wife’s dominance over their family, Isabel Rivas as Aurora, the second wife of Leopoldo, Bodjie Pascua as Felino, the close friend of Leopoldo, Johnny Revilla as Miguel, father of Violet’s husband, Tanya Garcia as Marilou, the mother of Iris, Sue Prado as Belinda, the mother of Dahlia, Maila Gumila as Divina, the sister of Leopoldo, Lloyd Samartino as Senior Leopoldo, Will Ashley as Andrew, the obedient, youngest son of Lily who suffers in silence because of his mother’s high expectations of him, Miggs Cuaderno as Petersen, the rebellious, eldest son of Lily who she considers her problem child, Dustin Yu as Kenneth, the suitor of Iris who is from the prominent Chan family, Carlo San Juan as Elvin, Dahlia’s loyal & supportive boyfriend, Mika Reins as Kayla, the stubborn daughter who has a rough relationship with her stepmother, Violet, Kimson Tan as Steven, the boyfriend of Kayla, Sandro Muhlach as Carlos, the only son of Leopoldo, Yvette Sanchez as Young Lily, Althea Ablan as Young Violet, Sophia Senoron as Young Aurora, Larkin Castor as Young Felino, Cheska Fausto as Young Divina, Shecko Apostol as Benjo, boyfriend of Dahlia’s friend, AZ Martinez as Jessica, bestfriend of Iris, and Gertrud Hahn as Coreen, bestfriend of Dahlia.

GMA Network’s First Vice President for Program Management Department Jose Mari R. Abacan is looking forward to more collaborations between GMA and Regal, “Truth be told, I’m very happy with our partnership with Regal and I think we’re going to have more for GMA and Regal. I hope to have more Mano Po soon and I think this is the biggest among the three.”

Meanwhile, Regal Entertainment Inc. and Regal Multimedia Inc. COO & Vice President Roselle Monteverde shares what to expect on the latest series, “Here in Mano Po, we have three generations na ipapalabas. We have the beginnings, mga anak and then we have ang mga apo. So we’re covering the three generations of Mano Po which is kaabang-abang talaga kasi iba-ibang personalities. It’s so realistic and it’s so inevitable. It can happen to any family and we always say that we want to have a perfect family…we always try to have a perfect family so this is what Mano Po 3 is all about.”

‘Mano Po Legacy: The Flower Sisters’ is under the helm of directors Ian Loreños, Nick Olanka, and Sean Lim, with Noreen Capili as Creative Manager, together with Creative Head and Head Writer Jose Javier Reyes.

Catch ‘Mano Po Legacy: The Flower Sisters,’ beginning October 31, 9:35 p.m. after Start-Up PH on GMA Telebabad.

Viewers abroad can also catch the program via GMA Pinoy TV. For the program guide, visit

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