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Bongbong, Sara still leading Pulse Asia’s pre-election survey



FILE: UniTeam presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. greets residents in Tondo, Manila during a motorcade on Sunday (Feb. 20, 2022). (PNA photo by Avito Dalan)

MANILA – Presidential candidate Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. and running mate Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte are still the Filipino people’s top choice as the country’s next president and vice president based on the latest survey results of Pulse Asia Research, Inc.

According to Pulse Asia’s latest Pulso ng Bayan pre-electoral national survey conducted from Feb. 18 to 23, Marcos solidified his lead by posting a 60 percent voter preference, pulling ahead of his closest rival by a 45 percent lead margin.

Way behind Marcos are Vice President Leni Robredo, who posted 15 percent, followed by Isko Domagoso with 10 percent, Manny Pacquiao with 8 percent, and Ping Lacson with 2 percent.

Other presidential aspirants Faisal Mangondato earned 0.4 percent, Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP) chairperson Leodegario de Guzman (0.1 percent), and Dr. Jose Montemayor Jr. (0.01 percent).

Former presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella and former Department of National Defense (DND) secretary Norberto Gonzales receive essentially no support from the country’s electorate, according to Pulse Asia.

“The rest of likely voters are still undecided about their choice for president in May 2022 (3 percent), refuse to identify their preferred presidential bet (0.4 percent), or are not inclined to vote for any candidate for the post (1 percent),” it added.

The Pulse Asia survey also showed Marcos’ continued dominance in all major voting areas, where he even gained more support in some locations.

In the National Capital Region (NCR), he posted a 66 percent voter preference, a jump of 9 percent from 57 percent in January of this year.

Marcos’ voter preference of 68 percent in Mindanao also showed a 2 percent increase, up from 66 percent in January 2022.

Meanwhile, Marcos’ voter preference in other areas remained ironclad, with 58 percent in Balance Luzon and 53 percent in Mindanao.

According to Marcos’ camp, the Pulse Asia survey results confirmed that the “Solid North” voting bloc remains united behind the presidential bid of Marcos.

Marcos posted 74 percent in Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), 82 percent in Ilocos Region (Region 1), and 86 percent in Cagayan Valley (Region 2). On the other hand, Robredo only had 1 percent in CAR, 7 percent in Region 1, and 6 percent in Region 2.

In a statement, Marcos’ spokesperson Vic Rodriguez thanked the Filipino people “for their unwavering trust in the leadership capabilities and competence” of Marcos “to lead us through this most challenging period of our history.”

“The result of the Pulse Asia survey has again debunked the fake narrative being forced by some small segment of our society on the current sentiments and vote preference of us, Filipinos,” he said. “While some of them may claim that they are winning in ‘Twitter’ and ‘Google’ searches, frontrunner Bongbong Marcos is winning the battle with the Filipino people.”

Sara gets 53 percent voter preference

Majority of the country’s likely voters are inclined to elect Duterte as the next vice president, garnering 53 percent voter preference.

Senate President Vicente Sotto III got the highest support of 24 percent followed by Robredo’s running mate Senator Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan with 11 percent, Dr. Willie Ong (6 percent), Buhay Party-list Rep. Lito Atienza (1 percent), Manny Lopez, and Walden Bello (0.1 percent each), Carlos Serapio (0.01 percent), and Rizalito David who did not receive support from the respondents.

Duterte garnered registered voter preference of 82 percent in Mindanao and 48 percent in NCR, 41 percent in Balance of Luzon, and 51 percent in the Visayas.

Meanwhile, broadcaster Raffy Tulfo is still the top choice for the Senate with 66.9 percent voter preference followed by former Senator Loren Legarda (58.9 percent), former Public Works Secretary Mark Villar (56.2 percent), Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri (50.5 percent), and former Senator Chiz Escudero (49.8 percent).

Completing the top 12 of the senatorial race were actor Robin Padilla (47 percent), former Vice President Jejomar Binay (46 percent), Senator Sherwin Gatchalian (45 percent), Senator Joel Villanueva (42 percent), former Senator Jinggoy Estrada (39 percent), former Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista (33 percent), Senator Risa Hontiveros (32 percent), and former Senator Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito (32 percent).

Pulse Asia Research said it undertakes pre-election surveys on its own “without any party singularly commissioning the research effort.”

A total of 2,400 adult respondents participated in the face-to-face interviews conducted by Pulse Asia.

Results of the survey have a ±2 percent error margin at the 95 percent confidence level.

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  1. Gladys Amigo

    March 14, 2022 at 8:28 AM

    As for me, only Filipinos can tell who will be the next set of leaders that will run this country. We just have to respect everyone else’s rights to choose who they’re gonna vote. We have our own beliefs and “favorites” but at the end of the day, the most important thing to do here as Filipinos is to have unity and equality of rights.

  2. Gladys Amigo

    March 14, 2022 at 8:47 AM

    As for me, only Filipinos can tell who will be the next set of leaders who will lead this country. What’s more important is to practice our right to vote and the freedom to choose according to who we believed in. We should respect everyone else’s beliefs and “favorites”. What really matters here after the election is the unity and equality among the Filipinos.

  3. Stellara Florencio

    March 15, 2022 at 3:36 AM

    I don’t believe in the survey because we don’t know if it’s true or fiction. The voice of the people will prevail in the coming elections.

  4. Archie O. Tulod

    March 15, 2022 at 3:59 AM

    I always believe na everything happens for a reason. I’m not a supporter of these two aspirants, but if they will win this upcoming election I hope they can help us in any problems that we are facing right now. Philippines is currently experiencing the suffocation of pandemic, sana gumaling na ang Pilipinas, sana bumagon na ulit ang buong mundo. By the way, I don’t consider this election survey para palitan ang mga ninanais kong taong iupo sa Gobyerno.

  5. Jerald Balano

    March 15, 2022 at 12:16 PM

    Thank you for this very informative article. This kind of survey it helps all the voters who they will choosen candidates. Let’s respect each other’s right.

  6. Joshua Bayola

    March 15, 2022 at 10:19 PM

    They may win on surveys but I am certain that on the final count other candidate will win. Hindi natin masisiguro yung pagkapanalo ng isang kndidato sa pagsurvey sa thousands lang na tao.

  7. marianne padua

    March 15, 2022 at 10:50 PM

    kahit naman sino ang manalo sa kanila mahalaga yung sinusumpaan nilang pangako sa mga taong bayan kapag tatakbo pa lang sila ay matupad nila kapag sila ay nasa pwesto na!!!!

  8. Dyname Baldeniza

    March 15, 2022 at 11:01 PM

    Good News !! To all BBM – Sara supporter . But there are many surveys , different result but for me I will vote for the right person whom I deserve to hold and lead the country for good.

  9. Catherine Tejada

    March 15, 2022 at 11:58 PM

    Go! for the win BongBong Marcos. ? Para sa pagbabago ng bansang Pilipinas.

  10. Jing Villafuerte

    March 16, 2022 at 1:33 AM

    It’s just only a survey, all matters is on election day. Be mindful & choose wisely,if possible do research for that candidates because are votes play an important role in our society.

  11. Faith Badiola

    March 16, 2022 at 3:53 AM

    Para sa akin hindi kung sino ang nauuna o nahuhuli sa mga survey, time will come everyone will vote, and whoever wins, it’s our own choice and decision. Hindi natin kailangan mag talo talo kung sino ang tama at mali. Iboboto natin kung sino ang sa tingin natin ang nararapat at may kakayahang mamuno ng tapat at totoong may malasakit sa bayan at mamamayan. Dahil sa araw ng eleksyon ang Pilipinas ang ating ipapanalo. ??

  12. James Ibarra

    March 17, 2022 at 4:22 AM

    I believe in the capabilities of these two leaders thats why my vote goes to them. I know they can be a great and responsible leader someday, they can make our country unite and progressive. This survey proves that a lot of people are rooting for Marcos and Duterte.

  13. Sonny Ramirez

    March 17, 2022 at 4:32 AM

    I hope this survey is accurate. This is only a survey but it helps us to know who are more likely to win on May. Yes i was happy that Marcos is leading on this survey because my vote goes to him. I believe on his leadership no matter what people say i still stand on my choice.

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