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E-gov’t bill gets House nod on final reading



FILE: House of Representatives (PNA Photo)

MANILA – The House of Representatives on Tuesday approved on third and final reading a measure establishing the electronic government (e-government) to enhance access to and delivery of public services.

A total of 229 lawmakers voted in favor of House Bill 6927 or the proposed E-Government Act. No lawmaker voted against the bill or abstained from voting.

Under the bill, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) shall establish and promote an e-government master plan to encourage excellence in facilitating the development and enhancement of all e-government services and processes.

The master plan should include a Philippine Government Interoperability Framework to guide all shared operations and services of the Philippine government, and the interoperability of the government ICT systems.

A system shall also be designed to systematically and efficiently secure government documents and records, including the digitization of paper-based documents and records and the development of systems that will manage these documents.

An internet-based electronic payment facility and gateway that will enable citizens and businesses to remit payments electronically to government agencies shall be created.

For public financial management, taxation, payment systems, accounting, business registries, and other financial systems in government shall be harmonized and managed.

As for the procurement system, an online and real-time service that encompasses all procurement processes involving bidding, contract agreements and payment for services or supplies shall also be developed.

The bill proposes that each local government unit shall have an ICT officer assigned to manage and supervise its adoption of the e-government plan.

Each agency and LGU shall submit an annual status report on the implementation of e-government initiatives, as well as its compliance and performance in delivering programs through the e-government.

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