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LP to Bongbong Marcos: Unfair to question PET



Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. (Photo: Bongbong Marcos/Facebook)

Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. (Photo: Bongbong Marcos/Facebook)

MANILA — It is also “unfair” to question the credibility of the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) just because their decision is not in your favor, Liberal Party (LP) told losing Vice Presidential candidate Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. on Thursday.

LP slammed Marcos after he said that the PET decision on his election protest against Vice President Leni Robredo was “unfair.”

LP president Senator Francis Pangilinan said that Marcos should not question the credibility of PET because Marcos’s camp previously lauded the PET after it denied with finality Robredo’s bid to reverse its earlier ruling finding sufficiency in Marcos’s election protest.

Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon said Marcos must learn to accept the decision of the PET as it was part of “judicial process.”

“It’s part of our judicial process. Sometimes, we may get the short end of the stick, but that’s the way court processes go and as a former lawmaker, he should know better,” Drilon said.

Senator Paolo Benigno Aquino IV, for his part, said that it seemed like he only questioned the PET decision when it did not go his way.

“Did he hear any complaints from Vice President Leni Robredo when the PET decision was in his favor?”Aquino said.

Marcos earlier accused Supreme Court Associate Justice Benjamin Caguiao, the magistrate in charge of his electoral protest, as having a bias against him.

Caguiao was appointed by former President Benigno Aquino III.

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