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PBBM free of Covid-19 symptoms, diagnosed as ‘recovered’



FILE: President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. is home from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Saturday (Oct. 21, 2023) after attending the inaugural Association of Southeast Asian Nations-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit. (Photo: Alfred Frias via Philippine News Agency/Facebook)

MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. has been diagnosed as “recovered” as he is no longer showing any symptoms of Covid-19, Malacañang said on Saturday.

“President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr is progressing well in his recovery,” the Presidential Communications Office (PCO) said in a Facebook post.

Marcos is now “free of cough, nasal congestion, and fever for more than 24 hours,” according to PCO.

“All other medical findings were unremarkable. Consequently, the President’s final diagnosis is Covid-19 recovered,” it said.

The PCO said Marcos was closely monitored by medical professionals throughout his entire home isolation period, which will end on Sunday.

As a precaution, the PCO said Marcos will continue to wear a face mask during public engagements for 10 days following his isolation period.

The Department of Health’s revised guidelines mandate five-day home isolation for symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals infected with Covid-19. The isolation may be shortened for those who are “fever-free for at least 24 hours without using antipyretics [such as] paracetamol and with improvement of respiratory systems.”

The updated rules also require them to wear well-fitted face mask for 10 days after undergoing isolation.

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