The Nordic Ministers responsible for Immigration, Integration, Justice and Interior strengthen cooperation on return with three joint initiatives on reintegration and readmission
Today, following a two-day ministerial meeting under the Danish Presidency of the High-Level Nordic Cooperation on Refugee Issues (NSHF) in Copenhagen, the five Ministers of the Nordic countries agreed on three joint initiatives with a strong commitment to strengthen and expand Nordic cooperation in the area of return.
The three initiatives focus on strengthening reintegration projects in countries of origin, coordinating joint Nordic return operations in collaboration with Frontex and providing assistance to stranded irregular migrants in North Africa, who wish to voluntary return to their own countries.
The first initiative on reintegration projects will allow Nordic migration and return attachés to coordinate and support assisted voluntary returns from Nordic countries to countries of origin in close cooperation with concerned reintegration partners.
The second initiative focuses on returning individuals who do not have a right to remain in the EU and Schengen Area to their country of origin by working towards joint Nordic return operations in collaboration with Frontex.
The third project seeks to assist IOM, as an implementing partner, in providing services to stranded irregular migrants in
North Africa. They will be offered assisted voluntary return to their own countries, where
reintegration will be facilitated.