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DFA warns vs. passport irregularities



Philippine passport

The department vowed to continue its cooperation with the NBI against all forms of passport irregularities, including those detected at the DFA Office of Consular Affairs at Aseana, Parañaque City, and other consular offices nationwide. (Shutterstock photo)

MANILA – The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has warned the public against any form of passport irregularities, in light of the recent apprehension of three foreigners for allegedly attempting to secure Philippine passports from the consular office in Lucena.

In a news release, the DFA said operatives of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) nabbed the foreigners for attempting to commit acts in violation of the Philippine Passport Act of 1996 and other related laws.

“We commend the sharpness of the CO Lucena staff in immediately identifying the spurious documents presented by these foreign nationals. We are also immensely proud that our consular staff are wholeheartedly dedicated to public service: they were not persuaded by threats or enticed by bribes. They followed the law to the letter and immediately coordinated with NBI to apprehend these individuals,” Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs Neil Frank Ferrer said.

The department vowed to continue its cooperation with the NBI against all forms of passport irregularities, including those detected at the DFA Office of Consular Affairs at Aseana, Parañaque City, and other consular offices nationwide.

“The Department of Foreign Affairs continues to be vigilant against any and all forms of passport irregularities. We will ensure that these kinds of transgressions and illegal acts will not go unpunished. The department looks forward to the results of the investigations and possible prosecution of these foreigners and other individuals involved in the attempts to circumvent our laws in order to gain rights given only to Filipinos.” Ferrer said. (PR) 

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