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DFA reports ‘modest spike’ in Filipino Covid cases abroad



The death toll also reached 702 after seven new fatalities were reported in the Asia Pacific and Middle East/Africa. (Pixabay photo)

MANILA — A “modest spike” in the total number of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) cases among Filipinos abroad has been recorded with 65 new infections in the Asia Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East/Africa, raising the case count to 9,692.

The death toll also reached 702 after seven new fatalities were reported in the Asia Pacific and Middle East/Africa.

Meanwhile, the recoveries rose to 5,737 with one new recovery logged in the Asia Pacific, one in Europe, and five in Middle East/Africa.

“The total number of countries and regions with confirmed cases among Filipinos is 72, with a new report from an additional country in Asia and the Pacific,” the DFA said.

Globally, around 18,354,342 confirmed cases, including 696,147 deaths related to Covid-19 have been reported by the World Health Organization.

About half of the global cases came from the Americas which already recorded 9,841,842, followed by Europe with 3,451,556.

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