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6.3K repatriates expected in 2 weeks amid Covid-19 fears: DOH



FILE: 253 distressed Filipinos in Kuwait will soon be reunited with their loved ones in PH, amid the threat of the #COVID19. This comes after the Kuwaiti government, through the Embassy and POLO, arranged a humanitarian flight on 25 March 2020. (Photo: PHinKuwait/Twitter)

MANILA – The Department of Health (DOH) on Wednesday said over 6,300 Filipinos are expected to return to the Philippines amid growing fears over the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) worldwide.

In a virtual press briefing, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said the Filipinos will arrive in 45 batches in the next two weeks.

“Ang mga ito naman ay maglalaman ng 6,378 repatriates (These will include at least 6,378 repatriates),” Vergeire said.

The official said these 45 batches are among the 49 processed by the Philippine government for repatriation.

On Wednesday morning, a total of 881 Filipino seafarers from the United States were repatriated, consisting of 445 seafarers from the Norwegian Cruises Dawn and Encore and 436 from MV Magica and MV Favolosa.

The seafarers from Norwegian Cruise Lines were brought in via Wamos charter flight while the 436 from MV Magica and MV Favolosa flew in via two chartered Ethiopian Boeing-777 aircraft.

The Department of Foreign Affairs earlier assured that the seafarers would undergo a mandatory 14-day facility-based quarantine monitored by the Bureau of Quarantine.

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