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DFA confirms 3rd Pinoy Covid-19 patient in Hong Kong



Henry says Canadians who have recently travelled across the border into Washington state do not need to contact public health officials unless they feel sick. (Pixabay photo)

MANILA – The third Filipino who tested positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is currently confined in a hospital and is undergoing tests, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said Thursday.
“The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), through the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong, confirms reports of a third Filipino national who tested positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Hong Kong,” the agency said in a bulletin.

The new Covid-19 patient, said to be asymptomatic, brings to three the total number of Filipino who contracted the disease after the first one was confirmed last month.

The other two Filipinos have now recovered and are expected to be discharged soon, according to the agency.

“It should be noted that all three Filipinos reportedly contracted the virus from their employers,” the bulletin read.

At present, the consulate continues to closely monitor the condition of all Filipino nationals in Hong Kong and render assistance as needed.

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